Beavers are large mammals from the order of rodents. A remarkable feature of these animals is their building ability. Beavers, in addition to burrows and floating dwellings, erect platinum, blocking the channels of streams and rivers.

The beaver family is represented by a single genus - beavers, in which there are only two species - the common beaver and the Canadian beaver. Both species have similar habits, appearance, habitat. The only difference is that the common beaver inhabits the Eurasian continent, while the Canadian beaver inhabits North America.
Previously, it was believed that the Canadian beaver is only a subspecies of the common beaver. However, later studies showed that they have a difference in the number of chromosomes - in the common beaver - 48, in the Canadian - 40.
The beaver is one of the largest rodents on the planet after the capybara, in Eurasia it is the largest - its length varies between 90 and 130 cm, the Canadian beaver is slightly smaller. The weight of the animal reaches 35 kg.
The body of the beaver is elongated, covered with thick dark brown, sometimes black fur. Beavers are good swimmers; on land they are much less agile. The webbing between the toes and a long, flat tail help them move around in the water.
Another interesting adaptation for aquatic life in the beaver is the isolation of the incisors from the rest of the oral cavity, which allows the animal to gnaw underwater without fear of drowning.
Beaver dwellings

Beavers settle on the banks of reservoirs with dense vegetation along the banks, spending most of their time in the water. Beaver dwellings are of two types: burrows and structures called huts.
Beavers dig holes in the steep banks. Usually this is a central residential chamber and an extensive network of passages ending in several exits. It is noteworthy that the exit is always organized under water to protect the dwelling from predators.
Huts are built where it is impossible to dig holes - on swampy soil, low banks or shallows. The hut is a conical structure made of brushwood with a base diameter of up to ten meters and a height of up to three. The walls of the hut are reinforced with clay.
Inside the hut there is a room above the water level and several exits. Air enters such a dwelling through a small hole in the ceiling. The entrances, as well as in the burrow, are placed under water.
Thus, beavers need a fairly deep body of water to protect their homes. If the depth of the stream or river is not enough, animals build dams.

To maintain the water level in the beaver town, rodents build dams. The building materials are tree trunks, brushwood, and sometimes stones. The structure is held together with silt and clay. A drain is arranged on one edge of the platinum.
The record for the longest dam belongs to the Canadian beaver. In the northern United States, in the state of New Hampshire, a dam more than 1200 meters long was discovered.
Platinum is usually 20-30 meters long. Width at the base is 4-6 meters, at the top - 1-2 meters. The height of the structure is usually about two meters.
Beavers are closely watching the erected dam. In case of damage, the animals repair the structure, since the safety of the entire settlement depends on it.