The number of people with disabilities does not decrease from year to year. Those who have poor or no vision need a guide. They often seek help from guide dogs. These animals are specially trained in nurseries. However, you can also educate an assistant yourself.

If you decide to train a puppy, even if it is not a purebred one, you can earn quite good money. In Europe and Russia, the Societies of the Blind are in constant need of guide dogs. However, don't think that any dog will do. You will only be paid when the dog passes many rigorous tests - exams. It will take at least 9-15 months to bring up a good guide, only then you can get an excellent assistant for a blind person.

Guidelines for raising a guide dog

First of all, don't try to train multiple puppies at once. All efforts should be directed towards one guide.
When buying, you need to choose a large puppy that will grow up and become a big dog.
Pay close attention to your puppy's behavior. He must be smart and kind. If the puppy shows signs of aggression, the commission will not allow him to take the exam. A puppy should have love for people in his blood, because he will be the only support for a person, will become his eyes.
Training Basics
Don't expect too much from your puppy right away. Patience must be exercised. Clearly name the commands, repeat the necessary words several times. A trained guide dog should bring slippers, look for various objects, and at the same time, she should clearly understand them by ear.
The main duty of a guide dog is walking on the street. The dog needs to be trained in traffic rules so that the dog understands when to cross the road and where. She is obliged to warn her master about the dangers of the road: holes, ascents, descents, open hatches, stairs, closed doors.
A guide dog should not show any reaction to other animals in the vicinity.
From childhood, the dog needs to be taught to realize that his main task will be to communicate with blind people who need help. During training, the coach must pretend not to see anything. Thus, accustoming the puppy to the fact that he should be your eyes.
After completing the training of the puppy, he must pass a series of exams to confirm the status of a "guide dog".
If the pet passes the test, it receives a certificate. Now he can be arranged in a family. The first time the trainer should be in a new house for the dog to help him adapt. When the guide gets used to the new owner, he is safely left to fulfill his destiny.
Raising and training a guide dog is an extremely laborious process, but without these animals, many people simply cannot exist normally.