Lemongrass, or, as it is also called, buckthorn is a diurnal butterfly from the whites family. It is widespread in the Caucasus, Europe, North Africa, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Western and Southern Siberia. This butterfly is distinguished by its unusual longevity and very beautiful, bright color.

Step 1
Lemongrass can be found in parks, gardens, floodplains or sparse forests. It is easy to recognize by its wing shape, which is practically unique among European butterflies - each wing has an acute angle, as if cut off by a sharp object. The corners serve as a cover for lemongrass while it is hibernating or resting. By the way, in hibernation, this butterfly spends most of its long life, which lasts about 13 months. The length of the fore wing varies from 26 to 33 mm, and the wingspan reaches 60 mm.

Step 2
Lemongrass males are distinguished by a brighter color, which is typical for most insects. Their back has a black-gray tint, and their chest and abdomen are covered with a lot of white hairs, which makes them appear fluffy. The wings are distinguished by a beautiful lemon color, which gave the name to this species of butterflies. In the middle of each wing of the lemongrass, you can see a reddish-orange speck.

Step 3
Lemongrass females have a less bright color - their wings are white with a greenish tint. Because of this color scheme, this butterfly from a distance can be confused with cabbage. However, just like in males, there are reddish dots on the wings of the female. They give only one offspring per year.

Step 4
Lemongrass caterpillars appear in June and are distinguished by a greenish-yellow color, which has a lighter shade on the sides and a whitish stripe along the abdomen. Thanks to this camouflage, they are quite difficult to detect in their natural environment. The caterpillar stage lasts about a month, but its duration depends largely on the weather conditions. At this time, they feed on the leaves of the zhoster or buckthorn, from which the second name of lemongrass comes from. The cocoons of this butterfly are also green. After emerging from the cocoon, lemongrass feed on nectar, and in August they are already immersed in a long sleep, which takes place in the spring with the beginning of the first warm days.