What Animal Is The Most Poisonous On The Planet

What Animal Is The Most Poisonous On The Planet
What Animal Is The Most Poisonous On The Planet

Man proudly calls himself the crown of nature. Perhaps, in terms of intelligence, this is the case. However, in the case of self-defense, a person is the most vulnerable creature. The same cannot be said about some representatives of the animal world.

What animal is the most poisonous on the planet
What animal is the most poisonous on the planet

Four dangerous creatures

The Guinness Book of Records is constantly updated with new human achievements. However, the five most poisonous animals on the planet remain unchanged. Scientists have studied the venom of the inhabitants of savannas, lakes, oceans, jungles and other areas to find out from whom a person should stay away.

Fifth place was taken by a small bright dart frog. These people of South and Central America lurk in the forests, waiting for curious nature lovers. Spectacular frogs can have very different colors: sapphire-black, golden, yellow, burgundy-scarlet, etc. However, this beauty is very destructive: the poison of one cold-blooded one can easily cope with 10 people.

In this case, a bright color is the first sign of an animal's danger. Previously, it was the poison of poison dart frogs that the aborigines used to make their arrows deadly.

In fourth place is the Australian Taipan snake. Its venom is neurotoxic: it constrains muscles, paralyzing internal organs. Death occurs within 45 minutes. The poison from one bite is enough for 100 people. However, there are two positives: the antidote has been produced and the taipan is very shy. Sensing danger, the snake will prefer to disappear.

The third place was given by the scientists to the scorpion Leiurus, which lives in the regions of the Middle East and North Africa. The animal's venom is a burning mixture of antipsychotics, which, once in the blood, gradually kill the stung. First, there is a wild pain, then a comatose fever, which develops into convulsions. They are followed by paralysis and death.

The second place is occupied by the king cobra, living in the Asian forests. The snake got the honorable line of the rating because of the huge amount of poison that it is capable of releasing. One bite kills an adult elephant in three hours. A person - in a much shorter period of time. The only plus: the cobra rarely attacks the first, and also warns the person who disturbed her for a long time.

Who is the most poisonous on the planet?

The first place of the most poisonous creatures of the planet is given to Cubomedusa, whose second name is "sea wasp". This animal is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, tk. capable of killing a person in a time interval of 1 to 3 minutes. At the same time, the area of action of the deadly tentacles is very wide: at the same time, the animal can sting about 60 people within a radius of 8 meters.

The sea wasp lives in the ocean waters off the coast of Northern Australia, sometimes found in regions of South Asia. The animal is practically indistinguishable in the water. The only creature protected from its terrible poison is the sea turtle.

The box jellyfish poison acts instantly and irreversibly. It is extremely toxic, attacks the nervous system and heart muscle with lightning speed. The antidote exists, but it is almost impossible to use it. Stung people mostly drowned from painful shock or died of heart failure. There are only a few survivors who have reported painful effects even weeks after the bite.
