How To Tell If It's A Cat Or A Cat

How To Tell If It's A Cat Or A Cat
How To Tell If It's A Cat Or A Cat

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Sometimes kittens arrange surprises for their owners. You take into the house, for example, a charming Barsik or Murzik, but after a year or two it turns out that this is not a cat, but a cat: the heels of squeaking newborn kittens is an argument with which you cannot argue. How to distinguish between a cat or a cat in front of you?


Step 1

In adult non-castrated animals, it is quite simple to determine gender: signs of "male dignity" in cats are, frankly speaking, clearly expressed. Cats are determined by the method of exclusion: since the signs of a male are not visible, then we have a female. But in small (up to two months) kittens, everything is much more complicated: their genitals are still in the stage of formation, so it is much more difficult to distinguish cats from cats "by eye". How to do it?

Step 2

The sign of gender in kittens is the relative position and shape of the urogenital openings. The anus, located under the very tail, is the same for everyone and has the shape of a point. Below, the differences begin.

Step 3

If the second (urethra) opening is also round and located at a distance from the anus, then we are dealing with a cat. The distance between the holes in small males is usually about one centimeter. It looks like a vertical slit and is located almost close to the anus? Here is a kitty. In general, here is the picture that can be observed: the cat looks like an inverted exclamation mark, and the cat looks like a colon. And this allows you to accurately distinguish them from each other.
