Cats are animals that are difficult to train, it is almost impossible to teach them, much less force them to follow certain commands. They do not like to obey, because by nature they are independent. Still, cats are able to learn quite complex actions, independently observing and imitating humans.

Step 1
One of the TV channels dedicated to animals has conducted research and ranked the smartest cat breeds. Considering that in each breed there can be both more and less gifted representatives, as well as the fact that there are no generally accepted criteria for identifying mental abilities, the top seems to be quite subjective.

Step 2
The most intelligent was the Sphynx breed. Gentle, affectionate, agile cats, get along well with children. Despite their somewhat frightening appearance, they are not at all aggressive, rarely scratching and biting. Like many other breeds, the Sphynx requires a lot of attention and care from the owner, without which they feel depressed.

Step 3
Thai (Siamese) cats in the ranking are next to the Sphynxes. They are smart and inquisitive, obstinate and very jealous. Siamese cats, independent in character, feel comfortable enough alone, but they try not to leave their owner. When he is at home, pets will follow him everywhere. This breed lends itself well to training, it can be taught tricks, but if the owner has time and patience in reserve. Siamese cats are considered the most talkative.

Step 4
Oriental cats are the closest relatives of the Siamese breed. They are also among the intellectuals, being quick-witted and inquisitive members of the species. In addition, they are very loyal, energetic creatures, completely dependent on people. With a long absence of the owner and a long stay alone, the cat will become unhappy and depressed. The owner of such a breed takes on a lot of responsibility, since oriental cats need an emotional connection with the owner and complete trust. If a cat of this breed feels betrayal or deception, then she may even get sick. If the family treats the pet with love and respect, then the cat's adoration and affection for the owners knows no bounds.

Step 5
Balinese cats are active, curious and sociable. If the Balinese are in the center of the host's attention, then they feel happy. This breed is able to learn a lot, including opening wardrobes, finding favorite things, even deliberately hidden ones. These are natural acrobats who can sit next to the owner without distracting him if he is reading. Balinese cats are great friends with children, with cats of other breeds and even with dogs. In addition, they are wonderful companions, discerning, living in harmony with their master.