The Right Diet For Cats: Natural Nutrition

The Right Diet For Cats: Natural Nutrition
The Right Diet For Cats: Natural Nutrition

If you are a happy owner of a cat, then you should definitely think about proper nutrition for her. Giving preference to a natural diet, it is necessary to understand some of the features of such feeding.

The right diet for cats: natural nutrition
The right diet for cats: natural nutrition

Choosing natural food for your pet, you should understand that the diet should be balanced, rich in vitamins, minerals, ideal in the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. When composing a menu for a cat, you need to adhere to the general rules of feeding, while focusing on the pet's taste preferences, age and other features that are specific to your animal.

The advantage of natural feeding is the owner's confidence in the absence of chemistry, in the freshness of the product, and in knowing the composition of the prepared dish.

Food must undergo heat treatment, because this is a guarantee of the absence of parasites in the products. Salt and spices are excluded, they do nothing but harm the body. Steam cooking and boiled food are allowed. Smoked and fried foods should be removed from the diet.

Cats are carnivores by nature, and protein should be the basis of their diet. Sources: meat, fish, dairy products. When choosing meat, preference should be given to beef, rabbit meat, meat offal. Feeding fish is allowed infrequently, about once or twice a week. Kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese are well absorbed from dairy products. Milk should not be given as it can lead to digestive upset.

Sources of carbohydrates are cereals and vegetables. Porridge is made in low-fat broth with the addition of pieces of fish, meat or vegetables. The diet can include carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, parsley, spinach. Many cats do not like plant foods at all, and here you can resort to a trick: chop the vegetables in a blender and mix into the meat. Bran is also added to food - dietary fiber of fiber helps to establish digestion, stimulating the intestines.

Egg yolks, butter, olive oil are products containing vegetable and animal fats. If oil can be given almost every day, then egg yolk should be included in food no more than once a week.

You can not give your pet bones, it can choke, and bones injure the intestines and stomach. The list of prohibited foods includes fatty meat - pork, lamb. Remove sweet foods from the diet, they lead to metabolic disorders, and chocolate contains theobromine, which is poison for cats. Potatoes are a useless product for a pet, because the starch contained in it is not absorbed by the body. Legumes can cause bloating and flatulence.

To prevent vitamin deficiency, buy special vitamin and mineral complexes and supplements, taking into account all the physiological characteristics of the animal. Be attentive to the pet, notice the slightest changes in appearance and behavior, consult with veterinarians, adjust the cat's diet on time. Taking care of your pet in the present will help you avoid many diseases in the future.
