How Animals Greet Spring

How Animals Greet Spring
How Animals Greet Spring

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Spring in the life of wild animals is one of the most important periods. Indeed, with the first warm days, there comes an opportunity to replenish the fat reserves, pretty much spent over the long hungry winter. And spring is also the time for mating and raising offspring.

How animals greet spring
How animals greet spring


Step 1

Bears are one of the first to emerge from hibernation, because at the end of winter they give birth to several cubs. Until the first warm days, the female with the babies does not leave the den, feeding the cubs with her milk. During this period, they are most vulnerable, since the fat reserves accumulated by the female in autumn are already coming to an end, and the cubs do not have enough milk. But after the onset of warmth, when the first food appears, babies begin to quickly gain weight.

why do animals molt in spring
why do animals molt in spring

Step 2

At the end of winter, wolves begin mating games. During them, couples are formed, which, on the first warm days, begin to equip their den. A little later, the she-wolf gives birth to offspring, which both parents take care of. Until the cubs get stronger, they are in the den next to the she-wolf, and the male at this time is looking for food for his family.

seasonal change of animals in spring
seasonal change of animals in spring

Step 3

At the end of winter, mating games begin in foxes. As soon as offspring are planned in the formed pair, the male and the female dig a hole for themselves or use any free one. Just like with wolves, care for the born foxes falls on both parents, and if the male dies, another comes in his place. Spring rut also occurs in squirrels, after which the females give birth to young in pre-prepared nests and take care of them on their own.

hedgehogs molt
hedgehogs molt

Step 4

But rodents wake up much later - closer to the beginning of April, when it becomes quite warm and the first plant food appears. Awakening occurs slowly, within a week, since in winter the blood and body temperature of rodents during hibernation drops from the usual 36 ° C to 8-10 ° C. After waking up, they also begin the mating period.

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Step 5

Elk have offspring in early spring. As a rule, the female gives birth to only one cub. Moose calves can get up on their feet within a few minutes after birth, and begin to move freely after three days. Caring for offspring and constantly looking for food is a common activity for moose when the warm days come.
