You can buy a hamster at the poultry market or at any pet store. Experienced experts advise acquiring males, since females from time to time are in heat, in which a secret is released that has a specific smell. However, it is not so easy to distinguish a boy hamster from a girl hamster.

Step 1
Take your hamster in your hand. Do this with the utmost care so that the animal does not get hurt. Use your thumb to gently hold the head and upper body so that the legs and lower body hang in the air. Thus, you can find out the sex of the hamster by carefully examining the perineum and its position in relation to the anus.

Step 2
Do not even try to see the genitals of hamsters, especially newborns, because in the usual place you will not find the "dignity of a real man." Better pay attention to the distance between the genital and anus.

Step 3
If the genitals are located very close to the anus, and the perineum is not covered with hair, then this is most likely a girl. If you look closely at the hamster's belly, you can also see the nipples, which are located in two rows.

Step 4
If the distance between the genitals and the anus is quite large, and the entire perineum is covered with wool, then you have a small male in your hands. In adult males, the distance can be up to one and a half centimeters. If you are looking for a hamster that is more than a month old, then in the process of examining it, you can already notice small testicles located near the base of the tail.

Step 5
If you are unable to recognize the gender of your hamster in the traditional way, feel its belly. Note that males have a gland in the center of their tummy that feels like a navel or boil. But in females, the belly is smooth.

Step 6
If you still could not distinguish a hamster boy from a hamster girl (it is especially difficult to determine the sex of the Dzungarian breed), then it is best, in order to avoid mating animals, to keep them in separate cages and, if possible, consult a specialist about their gender.