Today many people are engaged in keeping ferrets. Genetic aggression is a known problem, but it can be solved with proper training.

Step 1
It is better to accustom Kharkiv to hands at the age of 2-3 months. With older animals, this process will be much longer and more difficult, and it is almost impossible to accustom completely adult ferrets to the hands.
Step 2
After you bring your ferret into your home for the first time, don't worry or pay too much attention. Place him in a furnished cage, give him a treat, and leave him alone. The first two or three days, your communication with him is reduced to simple feeding. The mistake of many novice ferret breeders is that, wanting to accustom the animal to hands as soon as possible, they try to abruptly and suddenly grab the animal in the cage. This behavior can be very intimidating and turn your pet away from you forever.
Step 3
After the animal gets a little familiar with the new place, you can start training it. To begin with, just try to be near his cage more often so that he can see you, put your hand on the grate so that he can get used to your smell. It is better if only one person - the owner, and not all family members - will train the ferret to hand.
Step 4
Once your ferret gets used to being around him, start hand-feeding him. At first, you will have to wear tight gloves, since the animal can bite. Take a piece of the treat and place it in the palm of your hand. Place your hand where the ferret usually has a bowl. Do not move your palm with food to it - be patient and sooner or later the animal will come up to you.
Step 5
After the ferret gets used to handling food, you can try petting him when he comes up for a treat. This must be done very carefully so as not to scare the animal.
Step 6
Once your ferret is comfortable with stroking, you can try hand-feeding without gloves. When he gets used to your hands, you can try to take him to you when he sleeps. If the animal starts to worry, stroke it and give it a treat. If even after that he does not calm down, put him in a cage and try to take him the next day.
Step 7
When accustoming the ferret to the hands, the main thing is to do everything gradually, without imposing your attention on the animal and without frightening it with your harsh and sudden actions.