What To Do With The Found Animal

What To Do With The Found Animal
What To Do With The Found Animal

Not every person will dare to help a homeless animal. But if such a desire arose at the sight of a kitten or watchdog, it is worth optimizing the process of domestication or the device in good hands.

Taking an animal from the street, you need to be ready to take responsibility for its life
Taking an animal from the street, you need to be ready to take responsibility for its life

Take a closer look at the foundling. If the animal is holding on confidently, it is likely that it has already got used to an independent life. And if he shies away in fright or practically begs for hands, or is apathetic to any interaction, the poor fellow needs help. In any case, be careful: under stress, the animal can bite or scratch the savior.

If your dog has a leash or collar, take it in your hand and command “home”. In most cases, the dog will lead to the home doorstep. For pedigree dogs, look for the kennel brand on the inner side of the thigh through which you can go to the owners. Keep in mind that expensive pedigree pets are most likely looking for. And staying on the street for such cats and dogs is mortally dangerous - their immunity is noticeably reduced in comparison with the "nobles".

If you plan to take the found animal home for overexposure or permanently, immediately contact the veterinary clinic. The doctor will measure the temperature of the loss, examine the skin and coat, mucous membranes, ears and eyes, and check for lichen. You may need to get tested. If the animal is healthy, then immediately you need to do antiparasitic treatment. If you are sick, the doctor will recommend a period after which you can save the foundling from parasites.

In case of illness, or if there are already animals in the house, the new creature is quarantined. To do this, they settle in an isolated room, feed from special dishes, and a separate tray for cats and small dogs. After each contact with an animal, you need to wash your hands, sometimes it is advisable to change clothes (or enter the room in shoe covers and overalls). Place a rug soaked in chlorine in front of the door. The quarantine is kept for two weeks, and then the vaccinations recommended by the doctor are given.

Starting to feed the found animal, avoid raw meat, fatty foods, sausages, sour cream. Offer food in small portions, but often. Be sure to provide access to fresh and clean water. If the animal refuses to drink, contact your veterinarian immediately.

If for some reason you cannot leave the found animal with you, you can attach it only after quarantine and vaccinations, otherwise the pet risks dying without the support of doctors. Study the announcements about the disappearance of animals, maybe there is a previous owner. Send an advertisement about the find in newspapers, magazines, hang them on special boards and pedestals, post on social networks. If a new home for an animal cannot be found quickly, be ready to take responsibility for its life, feed and heal.
