What Tigers Are Found In India

What Tigers Are Found In India
What Tigers Are Found In India

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The tiger is a mammal that belongs to the cat family and is the main member of the Panthera genus. From the ancient Greek language, the word "tiger" is translated as "sharp, fast." In size, this beautiful predator is second only to brown and polar bears.

Bengal tiger
Bengal tiger


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The results of zoological studies and analysis of fossil remains showed that tigers as a species of animals began their existence in eastern Asia. It is rather difficult to conduct such studies, because the finds of the remains of ancient animals were few, and their unsatisfactory condition did not allow establishing a reliable date of their origin. From remains found on the island of Java and northern China, it was proved that already two million years ago, these huge cats hunted for prey in the forests of East Asia and on the islands of Palawan and Borneo.

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Tiger appearance


In nature, the tiger is the largest wild cat with a powerful and muscular body. The back of the body in a tiger is much less developed than the front. In the shoulder region, the tiger is much higher than in the rump. Like domestic cats, it has five toes with formidable retractable claws on its front paws, and only four on its hind legs. Body weight and size vary depending on its subspecies and reach maximum values in Bengali and Amur representatives. Male tigers can weigh 275 kg, and sometimes all 320 kg. Their body reaches a length of 2, 6 m, and the height at the withers is more than a meter. Female tigers are always slightly smaller and lighter than males.

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Bengal tiger

and why the number of tigers in nature is changing
and why the number of tigers in nature is changing

In India, in the delta of the Indus and Ganges rivers, there is the Bengal tiger - a beautiful and rare subspecies of the tiger. Although the population of these animals is very small, today it is considered the largest in comparison with the Far Eastern, South Chinese, Malay, Indo-Chinese and Sumatran species. Now the number of Bengal tigers is about 2,500 individuals, 1706 of which are located in India. For India, the Bengal tiger is a national pride and is under the protection of the state.

Bengal tigers living in India are very beautiful and graceful animals. If you look closely, you will notice that the color of their skins can vary from light yellow to orange with beautiful black or brown stripes. In this case, the tail of the entire length is always only white with black rings. But absolutely white individuals are considered the rarest and most beautiful.

The tiger is a nocturnal animal that leads an active life in the dark, and rests in a shelter during the day. Only tiger cubs usually climb trees, and adult animals prefer to move around their territory in large strides. All Bengal tigers swim well and love to swim in bodies of water, especially when the weather is hot and stuffy. Climbing high in the mountains, these animals tolerate frost and cold winds well. Adults rarely give a voice - only attracting a female or roaring in the uterus at prey, which can be most of the medium-sized animals.
