The Largest Snake On The Planet. Anaconda

The Largest Snake On The Planet. Anaconda
The Largest Snake On The Planet. Anaconda

Anaconda is considered the largest snake in the entire globe. Belongs to the boa family. Average length 6-8 meters. There are larger individuals, reaching a length of 9-10 meters. The weight of such a snake can reach 250 kg. The color is light, with brown-green large dark spots. Anaconda loves to be in humid forests, more precisely in the rivers and swamps of these forests.

The largest snake on the planet. Anaconda
The largest snake on the planet. Anaconda

These snakes spend most of their time in the water. Due to the fact that the nostrils are closed with special valves, it can remain in the water for a long time, which allows it to successfully sit in ambush. Anacondas are practical deaf. However, with the whole body they catch even the smallest vibrations. The anaconda also has colorless scales that cover its eyes. During molting, the anaconda becomes blind. The snake is not poisonous, so it does not bite its prey, but begins to choke. After the victim stops breathing, the anaconda swallows the prey, starting from the head.

These snakes most often feed on birds that swim on the surface of the water, as well as animals that they manage to catch. Sometimes the anaconda can eat even a small crocodile. In clear weather, the snake crawls ashore to bask in the sun. If the reservoir in which the anaconda lives dries up, then it can crawl into another reservoir located nearby. If all the reservoirs in the area dry up, the anaconda hibernates, hiding at the bottom of the reservoir, and only comes out during the rainy season.

But it is far from its huge size that distinguishes it from other snakes. Another difference is that the anaconda does not lay eggs, but gives birth to live cubs. At a time, she can give birth to about 40 rather big snakes. Their sizes can reach 80 cm. If you catch an adult live anaconda and put it in captivity, it will soon die. However, cubs adapt easily in captivity.

There are many stories according to which anacondas killed people. But, most likely, they are embellished. Anaconda is an intelligent animal, so it is unlikely to attack an adult, since it understands that it is difficult to cope with such prey. But there is reliable evidence that these snakes attacked and killed teenagers.

Thanks to American films, many consider the anaconda a real killer. But in reality, the circumstances are a little different. Rather, a person brings serious harm to the anaconda, is a threat to her. Some species of these snakes in the world have been completely destroyed due to the fact that humans violate the natural habitat of giants. Anaconda reproduces well, therefore, in reserves and zoos, it is possible to get good offspring from them. Thanks to this feature, the huge snake still remains part of the animal world of the planet.
