Cats are amazing animals. They are easy to train, while they themselves get pleasure from the process. Teaching a cat tricks is quite simple, it only takes a little patience and a pet treat.

It is necessary
The cat's favorite treat
Step 1
Make sure the animal is old enough to respond to commands. You can start training no earlier than the cat is 7-8 months old. It is impossible to teach a kitten to commands.

Step 2
Decide which command to start training your cat with. The choice of commands can be varied, but the easiest way to train is to give the paw as dogs do.

Step 3
To do this, sit the animal in front of you, take its paw in your hands and voice the command, pronouncing it clearly. To consolidate the result, repeat the procedure several times, treating the pet with a small piece of tasty food.

Step 4
Do not overuse the size of the treat, otherwise the workout will turn into a full meal, and therefore the cat will be unduly distracted by food.

Step 5
Expect to train your cat to complete one command for several days. The time interval elapsed between the beginning of the study of the command and its independent execution depends on the individual abilities of the animal. If he likes the process, understanding the relationship between feeding a paw and receiving a treat can come literally in a couple of days.

Step 6
Do not start learning a new command until the moment when the cat is confidently fulfilling the requirements of the owner, learned before. Repeat the learned material periodically, otherwise, over time, the pet will easily forget the previously acquired skills.