Why Does The Cat Hiss

Why Does The Cat Hiss
Why Does The Cat Hiss

From the point of view of a cat, hissing is a completely natural reaction to an irritant that is unpleasant to the animal. A person will need a certain amount of patience to understand the reasons why his cat hisses. But later it will be easy for him to calm down his pet or completely avoid stressful situations for both of them.

Why does the cat hiss
Why does the cat hiss

Hissing is normal

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To begin with, you need to understand that hissing is as normal for a cat as, for example, meowing or purring. In nature, animals use it not so rarely to talk to their relatives, to declare their rights to territory or food. Most often, the hissing is combined with a certain posture occupied by the cat, namely, arching its back and ruffling its tail. Taking such a position, the animal makes it clear that it is ready for defense, and it is better for the enemy to leave if he does not want to suffer physically.

Causes of hissing

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Sometimes a cat may start hissing with fright or she just found something interesting and does not want to share it with relatives or anyone else. In general, the same sound from a human point of view can be caused by a variety of reasons, and to understand what exactly happened, you just need to take a closer look at the animal.

The most important rule is that you should never punish a cat that suddenly hisses. Most likely, she did this as a result of the sudden stress that gripped her, punishment in this case will only aggravate the situation, will not help to understand the reasons and prevent such behavior in the future. It is quite possible that the animal was eating at this moment and regarded your approach as an attempt on a tidbit. Kittens who have not yet mastered the conventions of the social hierarchy are especially guilty of such behavior. Or maybe something just fell out of your hands on the floor with a loud bang. At this point, we can definitely say that the hiss was caused by a strong fright.

When playing with a kitten, do not provoke him to hiss, so that he does not think that it is appropriate in everyday life.

Cat taming

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And only if from your point of view the cat hisses for no apparent reason, you can try to wean it from this bad habit. If hissing is a reaction to your approach, it is best to leave the animal alone for a while and let it get used to you. You can sit on the floor nearby, without trying to get close to the animal, or call it, or lure it with a treat. Just be there, and sooner or later the cat will stop showing fear, perhaps even showing some interest. But even at this moment you will not be able to show impatience, start making hasty movements in her direction. Stay where you are, talk to her in a quiet, gentle voice, wait until the cat itself comes up to you and shows a desire to rub its muzzle against your hand.

Never hit a cat, a much greater educational effect can be achieved by spraying water into it from a spray bottle.

Raising a cat

If the hiss is accompanied by scratching or, even worse, a sudden attack from the cat, strict measures must be taken in its removal. Learn to say a strict no in response, and then ignore the animal until it comes to you on its own. In any case, sooner or later it will do it, if only because it gets hungry. Exactly the same line of behavior should be followed by the rest of the family. Thus, you clearly define the social position of the cat in the house, she will have to obey the rules, recognize a person of higher rank in you, which in no case should he hiss at.
