How Much Does A Savannah Kitten Cost?

How Much Does A Savannah Kitten Cost?
How Much Does A Savannah Kitten Cost?

Savannah is a completely new breed of cats. It is distinguished by a special similarity and close relationship with the serval. Another difference of this breed is the price: the Savannah is the most expensive breed in the world.


Choosing a Savannah kitten should be long and reasonable. There are several criteria on which the price of such a cute home serval depends.

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Savannah kittens were bred to stop people taking home wild felines. At the end of the 20th century, it became popular to keep leopards, tiger cubs and cheetahs at home. The rich kept them at home in open-air cages, some played with these wild animals while they were still kittens, and then, fearing them, gave or killed.

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On April 7, 1986, thanks to the work of Judy Frank from the USA, the first Savannah kittens were born. The parents of the kittens were a male serval and a female Siamese cat. The kittens were distinguished by their particularly large size and special colors. Their coat was exactly like that of the serval dad.

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But until the beginning of the 21st century, this breed was unofficial. It was only in 2001 that standards for Savannah cats were developed and TICA (International Cat Association) adopted and registered this breed.

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There are several categories of Savannah cats. The price of a kitten depends on the class.

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Classification of kittens

It is as a result of the category assigned to the kittens that the price is formed. There are 5 designations assigned to an entire generation.

F1 - the result of crossing a male African serval and a cat. The value lies in the fact that all droppings have 50% blood and serval genes. F2 - crossing occurs between a female of the F1 category and a male domestic cat. Here, only 25% of the serval's blood remains. This kind of crossing occurs up to the 5th generation (classification designation F5). The further the category is from F1, the more the kitten resembles an ordinary house cat. Accordingly, the price for such a kitten is lower.

When crossing, cats with one of five classifications and a male serval are very often used. In this case, the kittens have clearly traced features and the blood of a wild animal.

Dependence of the price on the sex of the animal

Another criterion for the price of a savannah is the sex of the kitten. If a kitten is purchased for breeding purposes, then there is only one option - to take a female. If the animal is purchased for personal use, then it is better to take a male. A common feature in genetics is that savanna males are infertile up to the 4th generation. They are of no value to breeders and breeding. Accordingly, their price is lower than the price of females.

What else does the price depend on?

Breeding such a breed of cats is a very difficult, psychologically and financially costly process. Therefore, the price for such a kitten is very high. Savannah kittens, when they reach 3 months, are tested for aggression. They must comply with accepted standards and be pets at the same time. Affectionate character is a special feature of the breed.

Certified kittens are priced between $ 1,000 and $ 10,000 depending on the criteria above.

It is worth paying attention to the misconception that has arisen recently - the false breed of Usher. This is quackery, and the usher cats are actually an F1-class savannah. The only difference is in the overpriced - about $ 22,000.
