How To Teach A Hamster To Do Tricks

How To Teach A Hamster To Do Tricks
How To Teach A Hamster To Do Tricks

Table of contents:


If you think that training your hamster is very easy, then you may not even start. This animal cannot be taught to perform any complex commands; you can only develop a certain reaction to the voice, movements and gestures of the owner.

How to teach a hamster to do tricks
How to teach a hamster to do tricks

It is necessary

Delicious delicacy


Step 1

For successful training, it is worth learning some of the characteristics of hamsters. For example, this animal sleeps most of the day, so you should not annoy him at this time. Tame your hamster in the evening or at night when he is most active. To make the animal like your hands, first rub them on its bedding, the familiar smell will calm the animal and prepare it for communication with you. To begin with, carefully stick your hand into the cage, do not touch the animal, wait until it comes up and climbs into your palm. Do not take the animal in your arms right away. On the first day, it is better not to take it out of the cage at all.

how to tame a hamster
how to tame a hamster

Step 2

On the second day, you can get the animal out of the cage when it again climbs into your palm. Bring him gently to your chest, your warmth and the sound of your heartbeat will help him calm down. After a couple of days, the hamster should finally get used to your hands, after which he will begin to study your shoulders and head. The most important thing is not to make sudden movements, otherwise all training will go to waste. Young hamsters are the easiest to tame. Try to talk to your pet more often, then he will begin to respond to your voice, call him by name and soon he will begin to respond to your call. So, the first trick - the hamster reacts to the nickname, it can take more than one week, although some hamsters are able to learn a lesson in a few days.

female hamster
female hamster

Step 3

You can try to teach the animal to stand on its hind legs. To do this, place the hamster on a flat, safe surface, take a piece of your favorite animal delicacy in your hand and lift it above the hamster's head. At the same time, say "Stop!" The animal will definitely try to get a piece, rising on its hind legs. Repeat this procedure from day to day and soon the animal will remember what it needs to do on the command "Stop!" Do not abuse the skills of a rodent, in most cases you should still have a treat in your hand, otherwise the animal will stop following the command.

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how to teach a cat tricks

Step 4

By the same principle, you can teach a fluffy to run in circles. Take food in your hand, let the rodent sniff it, and then start moving your hand along a certain trajectory. Trying to catch a treat, the hamster will run for a piece, and you will get a lot of pleasure from mastering another trick for your pet.
