Pregnancy And Childbirth In Cats: Tips And Tricks

Pregnancy And Childbirth In Cats: Tips And Tricks
Pregnancy And Childbirth In Cats: Tips And Tricks

Inexperienced cat owners may be at a loss as to whether their pet's pregnancy is normal and how it should be treated throughout this period. Affection, care, peace and attention - these are the cornerstones on which a problem-free pregnancy and successful childbirth are based.

Pregnancy and childbirth in cats: tips and tricks
Pregnancy and childbirth in cats: tips and tricks

On average, a cat stays in a state of pregnancy for about 9 weeks, and during this time the embryos of kittens in its womb change from microscopic formations to full-fledged copies of an ordinary cat, only reduced in scale. This is due to the titanic efforts that the animal's body makes for the birth of a new life. The owner of the cat, throughout the entire period from the moment of conception to she lambing, should provide his pet with nutrition containing all the necessary vitamins and minerals and surround her with care, at the same time protecting from stress.

Let's say you mate your cat with a cat that is ideal for the birth of beautiful and healthy babies. Is it possible to determine at an early date that conception really happened, and how to do it? After 10-14 days after mating, take your pet to a veterinary hospital, where a specialist will examine her and, if necessary, perform an ultrasound examination. According to its results, it will be possible to assert with confidence whether the animal has become pregnant.

Unfortunately, pet stores do not sell cat pregnancy tests similar to those found in human pharmacies, so it is almost impossible to determine whether a cat is pregnant early at home.

It is interesting that in the second or third week of pregnancy, a cat may suffer from toxicosis for some time - it would be wrong to believe that such a malaise is inherent only in humans. It is characterized by the general lethargy and inactivity of the animal due to its poor health, as well as refusal to eat and occasional vomiting. Toxicosis in pregnant cats usually lasts no longer than a week, and this is absolutely normal, so do not panic when it appears.

After the first month from the beginning of pregnancy, it becomes visible to the naked eye - the cat's nipples acquire more intense pigmentation than usual and become more noticeable, and her tummy begins to grow. The animal's appetite increases, and it becomes less mobile and sleeps more time. Do not try to independently determine by touch the number of kittens in the tummy of the expectant mother, because due to inexperience, you can injure the fetus, which is dangerous for the cat itself.

Try not to create unnecessary anxiety for your pet, because the absence of stress is the key to the normal course of pregnancy and timely, trouble-free delivery.

Starting from the seventh week of pregnancy, the animal becomes even less mobile and spends most of the time resting. After 58 days from the moment of mating, the fruits inside the cat are fully formed, and instinct prompts the animal to start preparing for childbirth. It looks for a secluded place where no one will interfere with the process of childbirth, and a loving owner can prepare a box or basket covered with clean towels for this purpose. When you see that the cat's tummy sank, and a transparent liquid of a mucous consistency began to stand out from its external genital organs, do not hesitate - there is not much time left to wait.
