The cat is by nature quite calm and non-aggressive animal. If she suddenly begins to rush at the owner and household members, scratch, hiss, then something provoked her. You should find out the reasons for such aggression and try to eliminate them.

Step 1
There are many reasons for cats to be aggressive. And the first of them is education. If a cat had to spend childhood in difficult conditions, to fight for territory, to find food with difficulty, then it will grow up aggressive. Such traits are observed in those cats that had to spend some part of their lives on the street or in those to whom the owners themselves showed aggression, were often punished, even beaten. Of course, a cat in such conditions gets used to behave wary, to defend herself, and not to trust anyone. It can be difficult to wean her from this, but patience and care, good human hands, good food, calmness and love can make the animal more peaceful.
Step 2
The nature of some cats makes them more aggressive than relatives. For example, white felines are deaf and therefore constantly feel their own insecurity. They do not hear if attacked from behind, so when a person or another cat exhibits such aggressive behavior, the cat gets used to constantly feel the danger. She becomes aggressive to forestall hostility from other creatures.
Step 3
When a cat begins to show aggression quite suddenly, for no apparent reason and in response to adequate human behavior, this may be a sign of a latent disease. After all, not all diseases are noticeable in a cat. She may not refuse food and behave calmly, but if you inadvertently take such an animal and put pressure on the diseased organ, the cat may attack. In this case, the pet should be taken to the veterinarian and examined.
Step 4
Some foods can also influence the aggression of the animal. Unfortunately, not all of them are thoroughly tested, and some contain substances that can cause apathy in a cat or, conversely, hostile behavior. Studies of some foods even show that they may contain hallucinogenic substances. Take a closer look at the pet's behavior when it shows aggression: if after eating it behaves restlessly, rushes at people, it may be worth changing its food.
Step 5
Fighting for territory is a common cause of animal aggression. Occupying a pet's personal space or bringing a new creature into the house can easily provoke aggressive behavior in the cat. She will fight for territory or supremacy, but when she sets her own rules and defends her place in the hierarchy of the house, the cat can calm down. Jealousy causes similar reasons. For example, if earlier all your attention was paid to the cat, and then a child appears in the family, this also makes the cat feel uncomfortable and fight for human attention.
Step 6
If you have an elderly cat, aggression can be caused by age-related changes in its body. Elderly people suffer from pain in joints, organs, muscles, the same is experienced by a cat. The pain intensifies when people take the cat in their arms, try to actively play with it. The animal breaks down and attacks. If the cat exhibits such behavior after playing or from petting, it is better to leave her behind so as not to torment her again. You can consult your veterinarian on how to reduce the suffering of the animal.
Step 7
The causes of aggression can be fear of some phenomenon or person, a change in the cat's habitual place of residence, the active nature of the pet, and changes in a person's mood. In any case, you should not punish your pet for such behavior, spank him, show hostility in return. It is better to understand the reasons and, if possible, eliminate them, let the cat get used to the new conditions. With the help of love, affection, a patient attitude, you can achieve that the aggression will completely disappear.