If you buy a pet cat, then you, in principle, do not need documents for him. If you want your pet to participate in exhibitions, or want to breed a breed, then the documents will become a mandatory requirement.

Step 1
First of all, when buying a cat, you must sign a sales contract with the seller. The contract must contain all the conditions, as well as the breed, color, sex, nickname and date of birth of the cat. Also pay attention to the presence in the agreement of the price, names of the parties, contact numbers, information about the club in which the mother cat is registered. This document is the official confirmation of the ownership of the cat.
Step 2
Next, the seller gives you a coupon card (analogs can be a metric or a green card in America). The card is an official "coupon" for obtaining a pedigree in the future - the main document for a cat.
Step 3
Be sure to take the cat's veterinary passport from the seller. It records which vaccinations were given and when. Also, all the data of the cat will be indicated there: name, breed, color, information on the removal of worms, etc. Please note that you will not be allowed to attend any exhibition without a veterinary passport.
Step 4
6 months after the birth of a cat, contact a club or cattery, where, on the basis of a coupon card previously issued by the seller, your pet will be issued a pedigree. The pedigree lists the details of your cat and his ancestors up to the fourth generation. Pedigrees may differ slightly depending on the felinological systems, but all of them will definitely have information about the name of the club issuing the pedigree and its coordinates, breeder, pedigree number, name and gender of the animal, date of birth, name of the breed and its letter code, color, etc. his code, the ancestors of the animal.
Step 5
The pedigree is the most important document for your cat. If your pet does not have a pedigree, it is considered a mongrel.
Step 6
It is optional but desirable to have instructions on how to properly feed the cat. It will be offered to you only in the nursery.