How To Help Rats Make Friends

How To Help Rats Make Friends
How To Help Rats Make Friends

Table of contents:


You brought home two or more rats, but they don't want to be friends, fight and run about each other? I will teach you how to plant these cute animals.

How to help rats make friends
How to help rats make friends

It is necessary

  • -sour cream
  • - cages for rats
  • -bed
  • -dragons
  • - rodent hammock


Step 1

First, tame the rats to your hands.

Step 2

Prepare the meeting space. It can be a bed, sofa, playpen. That is, an open space, but one where you can control so that they do not run away.

Step 3

There should be as many cells as there are animals. Place rags in pet cages. After a day or two, swap them so that the rats get used to each other's smell, also for a day or two.

Step 4

After that, let them run together, do not separate them if they start to fight. They must find out who is stronger, who will be in charge. Let them out together every day, 2 times (half an hour each), preferably in the evening, when they are especially active.

Step 5

Place the cells next to each other. Let them get used to each other's company.

Step 6

After a week of such events, when he will release rats together, drop sour cream on their backs. They will gladly lick her off each other. This will be the end of their acquaintance.

Step 7

Place the rats in one cage. Be sure to put a house in the cage and hang a hammock. They love it and will go there all the time, soon they will sit there as a couple.
