What Are The Features Of The Sharpei Content

What Are The Features Of The Sharpei Content
What Are The Features Of The Sharpei Content

Shar Pei is an unusual dog whose body is literally strewn with folds. Dogs of this breed are quite calm and intelligent, loyal to their owner. They value discipline and order, and control their emotions. Shar Pei are attentive and gentle in relations with the owner, but at the same time assertive and courageous while protecting loved ones and protecting the house. But it should be borne in mind that Shar Pei need special care.

What are the features of the sharpei content
What are the features of the sharpei content

Features of Sharpei care

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Sharpei are unpretentious in care, so they will not cause much trouble to the owner. The dog does not have a characteristic odor and does not shed too much. The most sensitive and vulnerable part of a pet's body is the ears. The auditory canals of Shar-Pei are thin, poorly ventilated, so water ingress can seriously affect the health of the pet. Dogs of this breed categorically do not like to swim, they instinctively feel that it can be harmful. But still, once a month, the pet should be subjected to water procedures. Try to avoid getting water on the dog's head, plug his ears with cotton swabs.

Raising a Shar Pei is a daunting task for novice breeders. A dog can show character and be stubborn at the most inopportune moment. He memorizes commands easily, but may resist execution.

To wash the Shar Pei, you need to use a special shampoo for dogs, because representatives of this breed often suffer from skin irritations. Use a brush while bathing to remove dead hair. Rinse off wrinkles thoroughly. After hygienic procedures, it is necessary to thoroughly dry the coat, do not leave moisture in the folds. You can use a hairdryer to dry thoroughly.

Brush your pet out with a short-toothed rubber brush several times a week. Sharpei have no undercoat, so molting is almost imperceptible. During this period, brush your dog daily. The dog grows long claws, you need to trim them regularly so that the fingers form correctly. Please note that there are blood vessels on the claws, try not to go beyond this line. Check your eyes regularly for discharge, wipe them with a slightly damp cloth.

Shar Pei needs balanced physical activity and active walks. This helps the dog to keep fit and control his temperament.

Sharpei food

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how to raise a shar pei puppy

Basically, breeders of this breed of dogs try to feed their pets with high-quality dry food, which is caused by the high balance of the finished product. However, some dog owners follow the classic methods of feeding their pets with cereals and fresh meat. It is forbidden to give sharpei the following products: avocado, chocolate and any sweets, garlic, fatty and smoked meat, fruits and berries with seeds, nuts, tomatoes in large quantities and canned vegetables. It is better to use special cookies that are sold in pet stores as treats for the dog.
