Finch Birds: Features Of The Content

Finch Birds: Features Of The Content
Finch Birds: Features Of The Content

Recently, finch poultry has become increasingly common. This species appeared in Russia not so long ago, but it already enjoys great interest and love.


The finch bird belongs to the weaver family. It settles on plains overgrown with grass and small bushes. These birds came to Russia in the second half of the 19th century. The spread of finches was received only in the 60s of the last century. There are several interesting varieties: zebra, Japanese, rice, Gould.

Amadina is a small bright bird. In modern homes, the zebra variety is widespread. Its size is about 11 cm. It has bright plumage, red beak. In the area of the ears there is an orange spot, the sides are brown with white specks.

The bird loves warmth, it can get sick from drafts. This species is kept in metal cages, which must be spacious and rectangular in shape. In them, perches for sitting must be strengthened, a drinker and a feeder, a salt pebble are installed. Also put a bath with water for bathing. It is better to use a pull-out tray in a cage to facilitate cleaning. For proper development, daylight is important, the sun's rays should hit the bird for about 2-3 hours a day.

The basis of the feed is grain. Millet of light varieties is best eaten, but you should not be limited only to them. The diet of amadins should be varied; the mixture can include canary seed, wild grass seeds, rapeseed, hemp. Additionally, they give dried insects, mealworms, egg yolk, cottage cheese, chopped lettuce and dandelion greens. This is especially important during the period of feeding the chicks. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that dill and parsley should not be given to finches.

The bird is schooling, therefore it is better to keep in groups.