Flora And Fauna Of The Equator

Flora And Fauna Of The Equator
Flora And Fauna Of The Equator

The countries with the warmest climate on Earth are located along the equator. These are Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Maldives, Indonesia, Kiribati, Ecuador, Colombia and Brazil.

Flora and fauna of the equator
Flora and fauna of the equator

Ecuador - the pearl of the equator


Translated from Spanish "Ecuador" means equator. This South American state is located on a small segment of the prime meridian. Despite its not too impressive size, the state is multinational; the cultures and customs of many nationalities are closely intertwined in it.

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The main treasure of Ecuador is its flora and fauna. Here, 4.5 thousand different species of butterflies, about 1600 species of birds, 350 species of reptiles, at least 260 species of mammals, 350 species of amphibians have found a permanent habitat. Ecuador has a well-developed tourism, oil and gas industry, export of coffee, cocoa, timber, bananas, shrimp, tuna, flowers.

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Natural conditions

The climate in Ecuador is largely determined by the Andes. The southern part of the coast is washed by the cold waters of the Pacific Humboldt Current. Almost all types of climate are present in the country - from hot and humid to severe and cold. In the middle part of the mountains, the average annual temperature is kept in the range of 20-23 degrees. Plus 25-30 degrees is the average temperature of the coast.

Flora of Ecuador

None of the countries in South America have such a variety of plant communities as in Ecuador. The Andes, from Cape Pasado to the area below the Equator, are covered with dense rainforest. Further, rain forests give way to the territory of xerophytic shrubs, passing into desert areas. Rare thorny trees are interspersed with xerophytic plants, crotons and cacti.

The most famous tree, Palo de Balsa, is found both in the Guayas Valley and in northern Peru. The tree is valued for the light timber known all over the world, from which marine vessels are built. In these areas, there is a plant similar to a palm tree, the clawed dwarf, from the fibers of the leaves of which "Panama hats" are made, known to almost everyone. The high Andes are covered with grassy vegetation, over which the espeletia rise. This plant reaches a height of 1.5 - 6 meters, the leaves are spear-shaped, blooms in clusters. The local flora was largely replaced by cultivated plants. Behind the eastern Condillera, a rainforest zone opens up.

Fauna of ecuador

The jungle of Ecuador is home to a huge number of rare animals and birds. Hummingbirds are considered one of the most interesting species. Paramos is inhabited by spectacled bears, mountain tapirs, small reindeer pudu. The jungle is owned by wild pigs, which spend most of their existence in dense bushes and swampy reeds. Aggressive little leopards, monkeys, toucans, parrots, caimans, kuchuchi live here.

The rarest animals can be seen on the Galapagos Islands, similar to a closed world that has escaped the rapid processes of evolution. Rare specimens of animals that have long disappeared from other parts of the world have survived here. These are earthen finches, marine and land iguana. The islands serve as a refuge for giant land turtles, which are found only in the Indian Ocean on the Mascarene Islands.

The waters surrounding the Galapagos are home to many dolphins and whales, pinnipeds, and the rarest Galapagos seals. The existence of penguins here is a complete paradox - along with iguanas and birds of the southern seas, they form an amazing sight.
