The Most Beautiful Dogs

The Most Beautiful Dogs
The Most Beautiful Dogs

Probably, unattractive dogs simply do not exist, because for each owner his beloved dog is the most beautiful, intelligent and wonderful. The way it is. But there are dog breeds from which you cannot take your eyes off, they are so unusual and amazing. Such a dog, walking along the street with its owner, invariably attracts the attention of passers-by, causing admiration.

Afghan Hound
Afghan Hound

Central asian shepherd dog

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog, or, as it is also called - Alabai, is one of the strongest and most intelligent dogs. Alabai is beautiful with its mighty article, wide head and strong jaws, easily gnawing at the throat of a wolf. For several thousand years, the breed was perfected in the mountains on pastures, without undergoing any special changes, except for the better, because the owners selected the most hardy puppies from the litter. As a result, the Central Asian Shepherd Dogs are considered the most highly intelligent dogs in the canine world.

Alabai is a large, serious dog. With the right upbringing, it can become a wonderful friend, personal guard and watchman. Of course, it is better to start such a dog not in an apartment, but in a private house. In addition, you need to walk a lot with her, study, provide good food. But for all worries, the dog will repay its owner with endless love and devotion.


Bernese mountain dog

Another representative of herding dogs, which have become very popular among dog breeders. The Bernese Mountain Dog has a bright tricolor color, a proud posture and, despite its large size, an elegant physique. Bern can rightfully be called one of the most beautiful dogs for his aristocratic appearance. But unlike the formidable Alabai, the Mountain Dog is peaceful and good-natured, gets along well with children and other animals. However, the bern will be a good guard, and its impressive size and strong teeth will do a disservice to anyone who dares to offend his beloved master.


Russian hunting greyhound

Well, how not to admire such an amazing creation! How much grace in this thin muzzle, curved like a question mark, figure, thin legs. All this is not without reason, such articles help the dog run like a rushing wind, because greyhounds are hunting dogs that specialize in running. With Russian dogs, foxes, hares and wolves have long been hunted.


In the old days in Russia noble people, not excluding royal persons, were fond of hunting with greyhounds. All its participants were seated on smartly decorated horses, several dozen dogs howled on the sack of the scrubbers, the sounds of horns were heard, the cries of those arriving. When the hunters approached the lair of the beast encased by the gamekeepers, the dogs were lowered from the pack, and the pack rushed to poison the wolf or fox in a swift avalanche. Amazingly beautiful dogs raced across the field, waving their fluffy tails. Hunting with greyhounds is a beautiful sight! But not for those who were hunted …

Golden retriever

Truly, this dog was created to serve as a family companion. All retrievers, including golden ones, are docile and good-natured dogs. For their love for the owner's children, they acquired the fame of excellent nannies, you can safely leave a small child on them - the dog will be always with him until the parents arrive. Retrievers are very unpretentious, easy to train, have a balanced character. Their beautiful, straw-colored coat does not require any special maintenance. Elementary cleaning and bathing occasionally - that's all for your dog to appear in perfect order and in all its glory.


When starting a retriever puppy, remember that these dogs have poor watchdog qualities. But they were not taken out for protection, so you should not demand from your pet the fierce protection of the home. But the dog will surely stand up for the owner and his household if, in his opinion, a threat arises. But most likely he will limit himself to barking and bared teeth.

Akita Inu

The dog of the Japanese breed has recently gained recognition among Russians, or, to put it simply, has become fashionable. The reason for this was the legendary film about a dog of this breed named Hachiko, which made the audience cry. For loyalty and constancy to the faithful animal, a monument was erected at the Shibuya station, where Hachiko had been waiting for his master for nine years.


Akita is not an easy dog, this must be taken into account when choosing a breed. Her character is proud and independent, and with a lack of attention and upbringing, she may well begin to lead the family.

Despite the fact that the Akita was bred as a hunting dog, at the right time it will show itself to be a reliable guard. Dogs of this breed are alert, courageous and do not lose control over themselves even in difficult situations.

Siberian Husky

Beautiful blue-eyed husky-like huskies are by no means decorative dogs. The breed was bred in the far north for the transportation of goods over long distances, and, according to cynologists, is at least four thousand years old. Huskies are serious hard workers; in their homeland they still carry a difficult service. Hardy, strong, they are able to withstand severe frost, snowstorms and snowfalls. As dogs created for work, they are not aggressive, they can serve any person and do not feel strong affection for the owner.


All this must be taken into account when starting a husky in a city apartment, which is not entirely suitable for such a dog. The animal must be provided with sufficient physical activity, daily walks for three to four hours. Otherwise, the dog will direct the excess of its energy in another direction, for example, arrange a rout in the apartment, chew on all the shoes, remove the curtains from the cornices or the wallpaper from the walls.

Huskies practically do not bark, they emit only a wolf-like howl. This, too, must be remembered so that one fine day a delegation of angry neighbors does not come to you.

Samoyed dog

What a lovely creature? Who is this, fluffy bear, toy, sofa cushion? Nothing like this! This is the oldest breed of dog, probably leading its ancestry from polar wolves. Samoyed huskies helped northern people in hunting even during the Neolithic period, and later served as shepherds for huge herds of deer. They were also used as nannies, the dogs were launched into the chum so that the children would not freeze from frost if the fire suddenly went out. One can only guess how many babies were saved by luxurious fluffy wool. She also helped the animals feel comfortable in the harsh conditions of the Far North.


Samoyed huskies are very good-natured and docile. When kept in an urban setting, they become good companions. Difficulties arise only when caring for their amazing wool cover. In order for the dog to always look attractive, the coat must be constantly looked after.


Ideal for those who do not have enough living space or do not want to have a large pet. The dog looks like a small chanterelle. The short muzzle of the Pomeranian, shiny eyes, fluffy fur coat and thin legs make it unusually cute and charming, and its small size is very convenient, so there are plenty of admirers of this breed.


Spitz are very sociable, they can tirelessly indulge in games and fun with children. They are well trained, attached to humans, and get along well with other pets. Perhaps the only drawback of the Spitz is that he likes to bark loudly for a long time. The dog should be weaned from this unpleasant habit.

Spitz do not tolerate heat well due to their warm fur coat, so it is better to cut the dog in summer.

All dogs are good, choose the taste

All dog breeds are beautiful in their own way. Even mongrel dogs and mestizos cannot be denied beauty. It is necessary to choose a dog, following not only your taste, but also the characteristics of the breed. But no matter what dog you choose, remember, you brought a living creature into the house with its own character and characteristics. And he needs love and care. After all, we are forever responsible for those we have tamed.
