The Most Beautiful Fish For The Aquarium

The Most Beautiful Fish For The Aquarium
The Most Beautiful Fish For The Aquarium

The beauty of the underwater world enchants, bewitches, does not leave you indifferent. That is why many, trying to recreate it in their own home, set up aquariums and populate fish.

the most beautiful fish for the aquarium
the most beautiful fish for the aquarium

Which of them are the most beautiful and popular? In fact, there are a lot of them, let's name only 9 of the most popular. And this:

Gurami Lyalius


This calm and not picky fish can be seen today in a wide variety of aquariums - from small to large. She is not only beautiful, but also very popular.

Brocade glyptopericht


The color of these dwarf catfish resembles that of a tiger. But the character of the fish is much more peaceful, since they easily get along with various inhabitants of the aquarium. And they grow only up to 60 cm in length.

gold fish


Remember the tale of the goldfish A. S. Pushkin? Yes, yes, he caught this one from the sea with the help of a seine. And today she quietly gets along in the aquarium with its other inhabitants. True, he no longer fulfills his wishes. Although … who knows?

Dwarf catfish Coridoras speckled


This is another type of dwarf catfish, only a blue "speck". He is peaceful, unpretentious, quietly gets along with many other fish, eats both dry food and in the form of granules or flakes. Lives about 8-10 years.

Piranha black


Piranhas are the most biting aquatic creatures on the planet. But in the aquarium, they lose their ferocious character, become more calm and peaceful. The main thing is not to put your hand in the water in which these fish live if there is a cut on it.

Bluefish Surgeon


This fish became very popular immediately after the release of the cartoon "Finding Nemo". But their character is not the most enviable - gentle, fastidious, sometimes very aggressive. In addition, the blue surgeon is very fond of swimming. Therefore, the aquarium should have a volume of at least 280 liters with one individual and at least 350 with two.

Zebra lionfish


The courage and courage of the lionfish can be envied. She never gives in to difficulties. And if he sees the enemy, he tries to turn his back on him and prick him with several needles at once, which contain poison. If she succeeds, the enemy will face paralysis of the skeletal and respiratory muscles. But, nevertheless, many aquarists still acquire it for their reservoirs.

Anemone (clown fish)


This beautiful aquarium fish has become the prototype not only for the characters of Hollywood cartoons, but also for funny toys that children love very much. It will not be difficult to recognize her.

Yellow-tailed chrysiptera


Chrysiptera looks more like a colorful toy than a living creature. But this is only in the picture. In fact, she is quite pugnacious, especially if someone encroaches on her territory.

These are the most beautiful fish for an aquarium. Choose the best!
