It's no secret that pets, just like humans, are influenced by various environmental factors. Nevertheless, it is not uncommon for cat owners to be genuinely surprised to learn that their pet suffers from increased meteosensitivity. How does it manifest itself and why does it happen?

Step 1
Pay attention to how your cat behaves when the weather changes. In general, many cats are even more dependent on changes in atmospheric pressure and the change from warm sunny weather to rainy and windy than the most meteosensitive people. Unlike its owner, a cat cannot complain about feeling unwell or take a pill to normalize pressure, the drops of which invariably occur in the animal following surges in atmospheric pressure. Therefore, she just becomes more lethargic and phlegmatic, sleeps more time and may refuse to eat and generally look tired.
Step 2
If you notice that your pet is a weather-sensitive animal, do not annoy him with increased attention. When a cat suffers from pressure drops, she sleeps a lot and should not try to stir the animal or captivate him with play during this period of time. If the cat loses its appetite due to a change in the weather, then do not try to feed it by force - nothing bad will happen if it does not eat for some time. Soon, the animal's well-being will return to normal, and at the same time, its appetite will naturally recover.
Step 3
Do not be surprised that weather-sensitive animals, like people, are genuinely happy with warm and sunny weather. When the long-awaited sun comes out from behind the clouds, the cat's well-being returns to normal, it becomes vigorous, active and cheerful. If in rainy weather the animal can temporarily lose its appetite, then with a change in the weather for the better, it may even eat more than usual, as if compensating for a temporary hunger strike.
Many are surprised that cats do not abandon the habit of hunting for a sun bunny until very old age. As soon as it becomes clear outside, any glossy surface begins to reflect the sun's rays, which move in a bright golden spot along the walls and floor of the apartment. Even the most imperturbable and naturally calm cat at this moment turns into an unreasonable kitten who recklessly hunts for a sunny bunny. It’s hard to believe that some time ago this same animal lay and looked melancholy at how the raindrops were streaming down the window pane.