What Animals Live In The Tundra

What Animals Live In The Tundra
What Animals Live In The Tundra

The tundra is a place where powerful tides break the ice of the Arctic Ocean, forming cracks and openings. It is here that the warm bottom Atlantic current brings a huge mass of shellfish, fish and plankton. Here, as in the desert, there are a small number of animals adapted to survive in such harsh conditions.

Tundra animals are unique and amazing creatures
Tundra animals are unique and amazing creatures

What is tundra?

Tundra is a special type of natural areas located outside the forest vegetation. Tundra is an area with permafrost soil that is not flooded with river or sea waters. Currently, the tundra is divided into three types - swampy, peaty and stony. The main feature of this natural area is a swampy lowland in a harsh climate, strong winds and permafrost.

Fauna of the tundra

The coastal areas of the tundra are mainly occupied by small mammals: the Ob and Siberian lemmings, Middendorf's vole, root vole, narrow-headed vole, etc. Lemmings are small rodents with hooves at the ends of their limbs. Lemmings form the basis of the diet of tundra predators. It is curious that the number of predators directly depends on the number of these rodents. Lemmings are enjoyed by seagulls, ermines, and gyrfalcons. These rodents, as well as mice and voles, make up the main diet of Arctic foxes and snowy owls.

Arctic foxes are considered one of the most amazing animals on the tundra. In addition, they are the main element of fur production in the tundra, but not the only one. The furry world of the tundra is also diluted with wolverines, ermines and weasels. In the southern part of the tundra zone, foxes live, whose fur is valued along with that of the Arctic fox. You can also meet wolves in the tundra. They live mainly in places where numerous domestic reindeer herds are concentrated.

It is curious that most of the animals living in the tundra begin their activity with the first rays of the spring sun. In spring, the tundra zone may not be recognized: various birds flock here to nest, since swamps and lakes attract them with an abundance of food. In spring, the tundra is filled with the noise and cries of animals. Life at this time here does not subside for a minute - you need to do everything before the cold weather!

Reindeer, musk oxen, wolves and arctic foxes are amazing tundra animals that have managed to adapt to such harsh living conditions among snow and ice. Seals, polar bears, walruses are no different from them. For example, walruses are tireless and playful swimmers. They, like powerful torpedoes, cut through the icy water. Walruses may not get out of this water for several days. This makes them some of the most amazing animals on the tundra.

The epitome of strength and endurance in the tundra is, of course, the polar bear. He is rightfully called the master of the Arctic. This mighty and strong animal is considered the largest representative of land animals inhabiting the tundra zone of the Earth. Individual individuals can reach one ton of weight. The polar bear's huge clawed paws are its formidable weapon: with one blow, this predator can kill a seal or stun a harp seal.
