What Animals Live In Swamps

What Animals Live In Swamps
What Animals Live In Swamps

The swampy area is of particular value, because it is a habitat for various species of animals and the growth of plants, shrubs and berries, many of which are listed in the Red Book.

What animals live in swamps
What animals live in swamps

"The swamp is a deep depression of the huge eye of the earth ….." A. Blok

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The swamp is a piece of land with high humidity and acidity, in such places it is very damp, strong evaporation and at the same time there is a catastrophic lack of oxygen. In addition, the swamp is a small world, with its own vegetation and inhabitants. There are several types of bogs - upland, lowland, transitional.

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Depending on the habitat, many animals spend some time in such places, after which they are removed, but there are also permanent residents - representatives of the amphibian family, such as: frogs, toads, newts. In addition, otters and muskrats, they all live in the swamps all the time.

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Moisture-loving mammals live on the edges of the marshes, such as: water rat, vole. In such an environment, they feel great. These animals are absolutely not whimsical: they find refuge in moss bumps, feed on cranberries, blueberries, seeds of various herbs.

Birds in the swamps

The swamp fauna is diverse and suitable for food for many of the inhabitants here. The fruits and succulent stems of the plants serve as food for the bird family, such as, for example, short-eared owls, ptarmigan, ducks, and waders. The birds have long taken a liking to the area and are happy to feast on berries.

The gray crane likes to settle in the swampy upper reaches. In such an area, it is protected from civilization, and not every animal can make its way through the swamp.

Undoubtedly, the heron is the queen of the swamps. This bird chose such places because in the thickets of bushes it is easy to hide from predators, and there is always something to feast on.

Vasyugan swamps

The Vasyugan swamps, located in the west of Siberia, are the largest in the world. They have a very diverse fauna. The grass-type bogs are mainly occupied by taiga mammals. Reindeer, golden eagles, squirrels, sables, elks live here, you can also see wolverines, otters and minks. Moose and moose settle and live for years in swamps. Summer pastures, where grasses are abundant, are a favorite place for animals. Closer to winter, another inhabitant appears here, this is a white hare, especially willow shoots and sedges are attracted to the swamps. The hare eats them with great pleasure.

The swamps are inhabited by animals that are comfortable and cozy among the water, bumps, moss and grasses. The swamp is their home, a safe haven, an area where they feed and breed. Life is in full swing here, and even forests can envy the diversity of its inhabitants.
