Are Cats Really Afraid Of Cucumbers?

Are Cats Really Afraid Of Cucumbers?
Are Cats Really Afraid Of Cucumbers?

Recently, the Internet has been filled with videos in which the owners toss cucumbers to the cats, and they are terribly frightened. Are cats really afraid of cucumbers, and why do they react so violently to them? Let's try to figure it out.

Are cats really afraid of cucumbers?
Are cats really afraid of cucumbers?

Some pet owners tell many stories that are hard to believe in their authenticity. But some go further, filming a video in which we see that the cat is quietly sitting at his bowl, and the owner slowly sneaks up behind him and throws a cucumber. The cat's reaction is unequivocally inadequate, he jumps up, starts rushing about the kitchen, yelling heart-rendingly, etc. And now it seems that the fact is proven, cats are afraid of cucumbers.

Naturally, there are half a dozen of these videos, and we already firmly believe that cucumbers cause sacred horror in cats, but in reality, this is not at all the case.

According to experts in the breeding of domestic cats, as well as veterinarians, it was possible to find out the reason for such a violent reaction of a cat to a cucumber:

- the cat is not afraid of the cucumber itself, it is afraid of an object that suddenly appeared on its territory. Cats are used to controlling everything that happens around them, and a new object knocks them out of their usual behavior;

- the fear that we see in an animal is, in general, not a phobia, but a completely normal reaction to a possible threat or danger. It is quite possible that the cat subconsciously compares the cucumber with some natural danger, for example, with a snake;

- the cucumber is thrown when the cat eats, at this very moment, the animal is most relaxed, and the place where the bowl stands and eats the animal is considered the safest for him in the house. A small digression: a person sits at the table and drinks tea with his favorite buns and at this moment a cucumber suddenly falls on the table, can you react calmly?

- it is quite possible that the cat was previously frightened or thrown at it with a cucumber, so the reaction to its appearance is justified and natural;

- in addition to calm domestic cats, there are pets that have a heightened reaction or an unbalanced disposition of character, such animals react violently to any unforeseen situation.

Particularly meticulous owners decided to experiment, and here, in addition to cucumbers, bananas, zucchini and other oblong objects were used, the reaction of cats to them was identical - they are afraid of them. Maybe it's not about the cucumbers at all?

By the way, not all cats react violently to the unexpectedly appeared vegetable, some begin to play with it, and some even try to nibble.

If, after reading the article, someone decided to check their pet and toss him a cucumber, then you should not do this because:

- there is a possibility that the animal will be hurt by furniture and interior items;

- after such an experiment, myrlyka may develop some kind of fear or pathological anxiety.
