Is Milk Really Bad For Cats?

Is Milk Really Bad For Cats?
Is Milk Really Bad For Cats?

Despite the popular belief that a cat loves milk, this product is actually harmful to the health of an adult animal. Only a few lactic acid foods may be present in a cat's diet.

Is it true that milk is bad for cats?
Is it true that milk is bad for cats?

Why milk is bad for your cat

Baby mammals have special enzymes that allow the mother's milk to be well absorbed and supply the growing body with all the substances it needs. Cat's milk has a high fat content - about 11%, for comparison, in cow's milk - 3.2%.

After a kitten leaves infancy and goes to food from a saucer, the amount of an enzyme that breaks down milk and helps to absorb lactose decreases. And an adult cat practically does not have this enzyme, so fresh milk causes her digestive upset.

Cats have a certain amount of enzyme for assimilation of milk sugar, but gradually this supply is used up. If you feed the cat with milk at this time, lactose ceases to be absorbed and a strong laxative effect is observed. Sometimes the diarrhea is so severe that the pet can "walk in the corners", because he does not have time to reach his litter box.

It is noteworthy that store-bought pasteurized milk from packages is much more likely to have a laxative effect than a regular product on the market. But market milk needs to be boiled so that digestive upset does not arise from infection. Goat's milk for a cat is preferable to cow's milk, as it contains less lactose in its composition.

What dairy products do not harm cats

If your pet is very small, cat milk replacers are suitable for him. Such mixtures can be purchased at any veterinary clinic or pet store, in the feed department. Buy a substitute complete with nipples and bottles, as feeding small kittens in a different way (from a syringe or from a spoon) is very dangerous for the health and life of the animal. Such mixtures can be given to adult cats, but they will not bring much benefit to an animal that has emerged from infancy.

Cats can be given fermented baked milk, varenets, kefir, yogurt, cream, natural (no filler) yogurt and sour cream. Many cats just love cottage cheese. This product can be mixed with meat and boiled cereals to get complete and healthy nutrition for your pet.

It is impossible to do without dairy products "on the table" for a cat, since they contain the calcium necessary for the animal's body and a number of vitamins. Of course, if you are giving your cat premium food, you don't need to add anything to the diet. But such products are sold only in some pet stores and veterinary clinics. Those food that are on the shelves of supermarkets belong to the economy class.
