How To Name A Puppy

How To Name A Puppy
How To Name A Puppy

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A nickname for a dog, too, is what a name is for a person, so they will call a dog all their life. The name should reflect the character of the dog, its habits. The better the breeder approaches the task of choosing a nickname for a dog, the faster it will get used to its name.

How to name a puppy
How to name a puppy


Step 1

When choosing a name for a puppy, do not rush, follow fashion, or be guided by other insignificant thoughts.

It is important to remember that giving a name to a puppy gives him “character”, leaving a “stamp” on him for life.

When choosing a name, first you should look at the puppy, think about the associations that arise in the thoughts. Perhaps it is not entirely correct to call a Chihuahua a Pirate, Killer or some other similar name, simply because when looking at a Chihuahua, such associations are unlikely to arise. And during a morning walk, when you call a dog with that name, those around you, at least, will have a smile on their face.

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Step 2

After some associative analysis of the puppy, you should look at his character, habits and try to choose a name that will fit this character. You should not call the puppy Barsik, Vasya, Masha, because these are human names and dogs, they are also unlikely to fit.

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Step 3

In order for the dog to quickly get used to its name, dog handlers advise choosing names with growling sounds, at least so that the name has the letter "r". This is due to the fact that in the wild, dogs communicate with the help of a roar, and they are genetically designed to pay attention to the roar.

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Step 4

If the choice of a name has become a completely insoluble task, you can use reference books of dog nicknames, which are very easy to find on the Internet, there are a lot of nicknames, and everything will depend on the wishes of the owner.

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Step 5

Another important detail is the documents for the dog. Quite often when buying a puppy, the breeder is told the first letter of the name, i.e. the nickname must begin with this letter, or they are already assigning a name to the puppy, and the breeder can choose the second one at his discretion. These requirements should not be neglected, since The generic name is important if you intend to participate in dog shows.
