The German Shepherd is a very hardy large dog. Growing up, she can become an excellent watchdog and assistant in the farm. Often she is trained to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the army and other law enforcement agencies. All this should be taken into account at the moment when deciding how to name a shepherd puppy.

Step 1
First of all, determine the sex of the puppy - "boy" or "girl". Unfortunately, mistakes in such a matter are not uncommon, such cases sometimes occur with inexperienced future owners. Often the owner names the dog a male nickname, and later discovers that it turned out to be a "girl." You can determine the sex of the animal by turning it over on its back and carefully examining the area under the tail. If you notice a tiny scrotum under the anus, and on the tummy, just below the navel, a tubercle (genital organ) - in front of you is a male, in other cases it is a female.

Step 2
For a shepherd dog, affectionate names such as Cutie or Fuzzy are not suitable. After all, the puppy will eventually turn into a formidable, strong, strong-willed dog. Accordingly, the nickname should be the same. Choose a harmonious and beautiful name for the puppy. It should also be simple enough and not difficult to pronounce.

Step 3
Avoid giving your shepherd puppy a human name. In addition, it should not be consonant with the names of your household, as well as with various commands.

Step 4
Choose a nickname depending on the nature of the dog. If you take a puppy to raise a real guardian and protector, give him a strong and strong-willed nickname - Thunder, Warrior, Samurai, Bes, etc. In the case when you need a good-natured shaggy friend, you can call him Faithful, Dobrynya, Druzhk, etc.

Step 5
Nicknames often do not contain hidden information, but still they must be beautiful. For example, you can call a shepherd puppy one of such euphonious names as Lyme, Aya, Maya, Biya and the like.

Step 6
You can find a good nickname using various dictionaries. For example, give your puppy the name of a character in ancient Greek myths, a hero from an adventure novel, or just find a good word to describe the character of the dog.