Where To Send Your Pet At The Time Of Departure Of The Owners: Overexposure, Zoo Hotels

Where To Send Your Pet At The Time Of Departure Of The Owners: Overexposure, Zoo Hotels
Where To Send Your Pet At The Time Of Departure Of The Owners: Overexposure, Zoo Hotels

Pet owners often consider them to be family members. When going on a trip, they try to entrust the care of pets to reliable assistants so that their living conditions are comfortable. Then organizations that provide services for overexposing dogs, cats and other pets come to the rescue.

Where to send the pet at the time of departure of the owners: overexposure, zoo hotels
Where to send the pet at the time of departure of the owners: overexposure, zoo hotels

Pros of using overexposure services

Finding a pet care assistant among friends and family is not an easy task. The main advantages for people using the services of professional zoo-nurses are that specialists who receive animals for overexposure will complete all tasks according to the contract.

Relatives may get sick and stop walking the animal or be too lazy to take your pet out as many times as it needs. The coming neighbors can be distracted by their own problems and feed the cat or dog once a day. This will not happen on overexposure. An employee who has gone on sick leave or a weekend, there is always someone to replace.

Payment for the services of a zoonian is several times cheaper than the cost of traveling a pet with its owners. Most organizations offer additional benefits - for example, walking on a specially equipped area, the right diet, if necessary, medical measures and other procedures are carried out.

What to consider when choosing overexposure

When choosing a zoo nurse for your pet, check out the list of services. Dog sitters can offer different modes of walking, certain conditions of detention, if necessary, the provision of medical assistance or certain caring procedures.

While your dog or cat is overexposed, ask to send you photo reports on a regular basis.

It is worth adhering to these recommendations:

  • Check the candidate's credibility carefully. It is better to contact services for the provision of services of this kind, where each dog sitter is checked.
  • Try to arrange the first pet and nanny meeting in advance to understand how the pet reacts.
  • The owner must take the animal for overexposure himself. You should not negotiate with other people to take your pet from home and take it to another place.

Types of overexposure

The transfer of a pet for overexposure means that for some time it will be with the person providing such services, or in a specially equipped zoo hotel. Overexposures can be as follows:

  • Aviary.
  • Apartment for one animal or for a group of pets.
  • A separate room is provided for each animal.

If you need a zoo nurse for a large animal, it is better to choose a zoo hotel. They will be able to take care of your pet, in addition, there is usually more space for walking. Make sure the terms are right for your requests. If everything suits you, entrust your pet with the care of specialists and calmly go on a trip.

After a place has been determined for keeping a dog or cat during the absence of the owners, an agreement is concluded. The animal must be provided with documents, a veterinary passport, sometimes a small amount is needed for unforeseen expenses (for example, payment for a veterinarian's services).

How is the reception for overexposure

To accept a pet, you must sign an agreement that lists the conditions of detention. At this stage, the regime, special preferences, characteristics of the animal and the conditions that will provide him with overexposure are discussed.

It is necessary to prepare for the settlement in advance - to prepare certificates of vaccinations, to carry out prophylaxis against parasites. If the animal is unhealthy, it cannot be kept close to others. In this case, you can try to find another way out.

At the end of the contract, the owners take the pet home.
