Laying Hens: Breeds And Their Characteristics

Laying Hens: Breeds And Their Characteristics
Laying Hens: Breeds And Their Characteristics

Chickens of egg breeds differ from other subspecies in light weight, well-developed crest and catkins, thick plumage. It is worth noting that the contours of their bodies are similar to a triangle, in which the top is the head and the base is the tail. Breeding of purebred and hybrid individuals is practiced in households.

laying hen
laying hen

The most demanded breeds of laying hens

Representatives of hybrid breeds are characterized by high egg production - about 300 pieces every year. Farm owners consider them to be the most profitable. However, the Minorca and Leghorn breeds have much the same characteristics. It should be noted that the offspring of hybrids in any form cannot inherit their qualities.

All over the world, the Leghorn breed is deservedly popular due to their endurance and early maturity. The annual clutch of eggs can reach 220-250 pieces. Birds are very mobile and perfectly adapt to existing natural conditions. The chicken usually weighs less than 2 kg. In general, all breeds of layers are unpretentious. As for the plumage, it is different for Leghorns. In many farms, you can find white, fawn, black, partridge birds.

Another striking representative of the breeds of laying hens are the Minorca. This species was specially bred to produce large eggs. For a year, such a bird is capable of laying up to 180 eggs. The weight of one egg can reach 70 grams. In appearance, they can be distinguished from other layers by their white lobes and a scarlet comb.

Features of breeding layers

Egg breeds of chickens are characterized by the rapid achievement of sexual maturity: they begin to lay at 4-5 months. This process reaches its peak by ten months. Then the egg production parameter begins to fall. That is why 4-5-year-old layers are already unprofitable. This should be borne in mind when purchasing layers from unfamiliar sellers. Experts recommend making a choice in favor of hybrids, since the costs of them pay off quickly enough.

Currently, among all bred crosses, the Loman Brown breed can be noted. By the way, crosses are another name for hybrid chickens. Layers are capable of laying about 310 eggs per year. Young chickens are resistant to various diseases. In addition, caring for birds of hybrid breeds does not take much time and effort in comparison with chickens of the meat direction. Chicks of the cross at one week of age differ - the hens are fawn, and the males are white.

In any case, the choice in favor of a particular breed of laying hens is formed on the basis of personal experience. The primary needs of the owner of the farm should also be taken into account. Some farmers want to get large eggs, while others are concerned not with the size, but with the amount of production. It is recommended to buy young layers from trusted suppliers.
