Feeding Rabbits

Feeding Rabbits
Feeding Rabbits

Care and proper feeding of rabbits are the most important factors in animal health. It is important to provide animals with a variety of high-quality food in all seasons.

Feeding rabbits
Feeding rabbits

In winter, rabbits must be fed with soft hay, twigs, prepared in advance. Twigs of pine, birch, juniper, maple, linden, ash and apple trees are great.

In addition to the branches, it is necessary to feed the rabbits with fresh roots and vegetables. Barley, bran, corn, soybeans, peas and oats should be fed to rabbits for fattening.

When spring comes, fresh greens should be introduced into the diet of rabbits. It is important to choose the right grass and foliage, otherwise you can treat pets with poisonous plants. Clover, vetch, sweet clover are ideal.

The grass must be freshly picked and dry. Do not feed rabbits with one type of grass for a long time - a lack of trace elements will begin and the rabbit will start to get sick.

Regardless of the season, rabbits should always have fresh water at room temperature. In winter, each rabbit drinks about 0.5 liters of water. To keep your rabbits healthy, you need to add small amounts of salt, chalk and bone meal to your food.

For pregnant rabbits, additional vitamins are needed (sold in pet stores) - it is advisable to increase the diet of rabbits a week before mating.
