Rabbits: Breeding, Rearing, Feeding, Care

Rabbits: Breeding, Rearing, Feeding, Care
Rabbits: Breeding, Rearing, Feeding, Care

Rabbits are one of the animals with a well-developed nervous system, so they are prone to stress. This feature should be taken into account even when changing feed, which should not be done abruptly.

Rabbits: breeding, rearing, feeding, care
Rabbits: breeding, rearing, feeding, care

It is preferable to keep rabbits in cages, which should be equipped with drinkers, feeders and manger. Removable shelves can be used as the floor and must be cleaned daily.

Rabbit breeding

In order to breed rabbits, one or more species should be selected from the existing two hundred or more. Each species is bred for specific purposes, including meat, fluff or fur.

Rabbits reach sexual maturity at the age of 3, 5 months, in males, signs of testes can be found at the age of 2, 5 months, but they cannot yet be allowed to reproduce in this period. Females can be allowed to breed at the age of 5 months, males - 6 months. Different types of rabbits differ in their early maturity.

Raising, feeding and caring for rabbits

You can feed rabbits in 2 ways, one assumes a mixed method, the other dry. The latter method involves a complete pelleted feed. You can prepare compound feed from meadow hay, grain, sunflower cake, edible salt, and limestone. It is permissible to feed adults and young animals from 3 months. This process takes about one month.

Fattening at the initial stage is to reduce the amount of roughage, then you can give the rabbits nutritious feed, this contributes to the formation of fat. The diet should contain vitamin grass flour made from freshly cut alfalfa, which is the basis of feed for these animals. Rabbits should also receive meadow hay, oats in an amount of no more than 10% of the total diet, as well as barley and peas. You can feed rabbits with mash made from a mixture of boiled potatoes and bran.

Rabbits stop in mass gain if they are placed in different cages. It is necessary to follow the "diet" of rabbits, this will facilitate their complete assimilation of food. The appetite of rabbits largely depends on the temperature of the room where the cages are located. It should be equal to the limit from +13 to -16 ° C.

Rabbits need fresh air, but drafts are contraindicated, so if the window is open, then you need to make sure that the air currents do not blow over the rabbit. In the process of airing the room, the cage should be covered with a cloth. It is also necessary to monitor the humidity of the air in the room, it should not be excessively dry, as with central heating. Such conditions of detention contribute to irritation of the respiratory tract of animals.
