What Are The Symptoms Of Distemper In Dogs

What Are The Symptoms Of Distemper In Dogs
What Are The Symptoms Of Distemper In Dogs

Canine distemper, also known as Carré's disease, is an acute viral disease that is especially susceptible to young individuals from 3 to 12 months, transmitted by airborne droplets and also through the digestive apparatus. Distemper is widespread, so if your puppy is not vaccinated at three months of age, the risk of infection is high.

What are the symptoms of distemper in dogs
What are the symptoms of distemper in dogs

An unvaccinated dog can pick up the distemper anywhere: in transport, in a room where sick animals were, when in contact with infected objects, a feeder, bedding, as well as when communicating with infectious dogs or their owners.

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The incubation period of the disease can last from 3 to 21 days, and during this time a seemingly completely healthy dog is able to infect the surrounding individuals. The very first symptoms of distemper are lethargy, drowsiness, increased fatigue, passivity, and decreased appetite. Then - vomiting, loose stools, redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth and nose, finally, transparent discharge from the nose and eyes. The temperature rises to 39, 5-40 and lasts a couple of days, after which it returns to normal. After that, the strongest and healthiest dogs recover naturally, while the weaker ones get worse. These dogs need the help of a veterinarian.

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The disease can take several forms:

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- sharp, - super-sharp, - chronic (lasts 3-4 months), - typical, - atypical, - lightning fast.

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In the latter case, the dog dies before the symptoms appear.

Acute and hyperacute forms of plague are also characterized by chills and fever.

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The symptoms of the disease can vary depending on which organs are affected by the virus. If the intestines are infected, the dog has an absolute loss of appetite, thirst, fainting, loose stools, and a white coating on the tongue.

If the lungs and upper respiratory tract are affected, there is a cough (due to inflammation of the tonsils), purulent discharge from the nose and eyes; the dog starts to sniff. The temperature rises. Loose stools.

When the skin is damaged, the areas devoid of hair are covered with blisters, while the general condition of the body and the temperature remain normal. It is a mild form of distemper that sometimes goes unnoticed.

With a nervous form of distemper, the dog becomes irritable and aggressive. Convulsions occur, the temperature rises, sometimes paralysis of the limbs or epileptic seizures occur. In case of paralysis of the heart and / or respiratory muscles, death is inevitable.

Dog distemper is a deadly and difficult to treat disease, so it is highly advisable to get your pet vaccinated at the age of three months.
