How To Keep African Cichlids

How To Keep African Cichlids
How To Keep African Cichlids

In nature, you can find fish that belong to the same family, but at the same time look completely different. African cichlids are the brightest representatives of this natural phenomenon, their homeland is the African lakes. Experts count about 1500 fish of the Tsikhlov family, this is an absolute record. Cichlids delight with their unusual body shapes and very enchanting colors. But the main thing is that it is very easy to care for them, because cichlids are unpretentious aquarium fish.

How to keep African cichlids
How to keep African cichlids

Features of the content of African cichlids

If you decide to get these bright fish, then you will have to accept their game rules.

1. Cichlids have a strong temperament, so they can go to war with their aquarium neighbors. If they don't have enough space, they begin to express aggression. African cichlids do not get along well with boats, eels, barbs, labeos and axtronotuses. Of course, if you create ideal living conditions for the fish, then they will get along well with their neighbors, only this is all individual, it is not known exactly how your fish will behave.

2. African cichlids rarely carry diseases, but it is better to create comfortable conditions for them for prevention.

3. Provide the aquarium with soil, plants, and driftwood to reduce stress.

4. The water temperature must be strictly 27 degrees (plus or minus 1 degree).

5. Always monitor the content of nitrate, nitrite and nitrogen compounds.

6. Bloating, restless behavior, general lethargy - these can be symptoms of the disease. In this case, separate the fish from the rest, check the water parameters in the aquarium.
