Horse riding is becoming more and more popular and fashionable. And this is no coincidence. Horseback riding helps fight stress, relieve accumulated fatigue, and improve health and fitness. Putting a bridle on a horse is one of the first procedures that you need to master if you decide to get to know these beautiful animals better and go horseback riding.

Step 1
Examine the bridle. The racing bridle consists of a chin, occipital, forehead and cheek belts, a snaffle and a halter. Check the bridle carefully. Make sure there is no damage to it.

Step 2
Place the bridle on your left arm so that its forehead strap is at your elbow. Release the rein by unfastening the forehead strap.

Step 3
Open the stall doors. Make sure the horse is calm and not aggressive. Approach the horse from the side of its front left leg. Pat the animal on the neck and call it by name. Put the reins around the horse's neck without removing the bridle from your left hand.

Step 4
Secure the horse's head by passing your right hand underneath its muzzle and resting your palm on the nose of the animal. It should be noted that the horse's head must be fixed until the moment when you thread the animal's ears between the occipital and forehead straps.

Step 5
Raise the headband with your left hand so that you can press the cheek straps against the animal's nose using the palm and fingers of your right hand.

Step 6
Keeping the transit in your open palm, insert it into the horse's mouth with your free left hand. It is strictly forbidden to push the transit into the horse's mouth with the fingers.
Step 7
Pull the bridle upward to move the transit to the corners of the animal's mouth. Place the horse's ears between the occipital and forehead straps.
Step 8
Free the horse's bangs from under the forehead strap. Fasten the chin strap so that an upright fist can pass between it and the animal's neck. It should be noted that a chin strap that is too loose can lead to slipping of the bridle, and too tight it will interfere with the breathing of the animal and disturb it.
Step 9
Make sure that the harness and reins are not twisted and that the transit fits snugly in the corners of the horse's mouth without creating skin folds.