If the cat suddenly starts drinking more than usual, you should pay attention to its diet. Animals that receive natural food or wet canned food drink less than animals that live on dry food.

Step 1
It is quite natural for an old cat to drink a lot. The amount of fluid in the body reduces the aging process, so the need for water increases with age. Do not worry if the kitten drinks a lot: the young body grows and develops, therefore, it consumes more fluid than an already formed adult cat.
Step 2
One of the causes of increased thirst in cats can be systemic diseases. One of these diseases is diabetes mellitus. With it, the cat's pancreas produces a small amount of the hormone insulin, which carries sugar from the bloodstream into the cells, where it generates energy. Blood glucose grows and cells starve. A large amount of glucose is gradually excreted by the kidneys, which, as a result, disrupts the concentration function of the kidneys, and the urine becomes liquid.
Step 3
As a result, the cat loses a lot of water and therefore begins to drink a lot. When establishing this diagnosis, you will be advised to take a biochemical and clinical blood test in order to further exclude disturbances in the work of other organs that may develop against the background of diabetes mellitus.
Step 4
The main treatment for diabetes in cats is insulin therapy. Blood glucose measurements are taken at the veterinary clinic on a weekly basis for 2 consecutive days. Once the expected blood sugar control has been achieved, measurements are taken every 1 to 2 months as a preventive measure.
Step 5
Chronic renal failure is another common cause of increased thirst in cats. This is the main problem of older cats. Usually, the kidneys begin to excrete metabolic products with difficulty, when less than 25% of the living nephrons remain in them, and the rest have died. The first signs of kidney failure are increased thirst.
Step 6
Unfortunately, this disease is incurable. The veterinarian can only help the remaining kidney cells work with the least stress and remove metabolic products in other ways. First, it will be necessary to take blood and urine tests once a month in order to prescribe treatment. With further treatment and monitoring, the cat can live more than one year of a normal feline life.
Step 7
If you notice that your cat is drinking more, see your veterinarian. After the examination, he will explain the reason for the "cat's thirst".
Possible causes: diabetes, hormonal imbalance, protein poisoning, and more. If the disease is identified, the veterinarian will prescribe the necessary treatment and diet.