What To Do If Your Cat Doesn't Eat Cat Food

What To Do If Your Cat Doesn't Eat Cat Food
What To Do If Your Cat Doesn't Eat Cat Food

Balanced cat food is very convenient for owners and good for pets. However, it happens that the cat refuses to eat expensive, carefully selected pellets of prestigious brands. What is the reason? How to convince your pet to eat right?

What to do if your cat doesn't eat cat food
What to do if your cat doesn't eat cat food

There may be several reasons for refusing to feed. Most often, a categorical disregard for food means that the animal simply does not like the brand chosen by the owner. Cats have personal preferences, sometimes very strange ones. They do not depend on the breed - sometimes the titled Persian or Sphynx eats everything offered with pleasure, and Barsik, picked up in the garbage dump, refuses expensive professional feed. Try changing your brand. It is best to purchase several small bags or buy pellets by weight. Sooner or later, you will find a strain that your cat will approve of.

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Sometimes giving up pellets means the animal is fed up with dry food. Offer him canned food - cats eat them more willingly. Some pets prefer a pasty food, others prefer the structure of the chunks in the jelly. There is no need to unnecessarily diversify the cat's table - if your animal approved shrimp pate, buy it. But he can reject game or salmon pate. Don't change your pet's diet unnecessarily.

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It is best to alternate between wet and dry food. Usually cats willingly eat canned food for breakfast, but for the coming sleep they prefer "drying". Some owners prefer to leave the bowl of dry food freely available so that the cat can eat at any time convenient for him.

How cat food is made
How cat food is made

If your pet refuses to eat, remove the bowl. Next time, offer him a new portion, poured from a sealed bag. Fresh food has a more appetizing smell, which is more likely to interest the cat. Keep your bowl clean - some animals refuse to eat if their plate is covered with dried remnants of a previous meal. Make sure that dry food pellets do not get into the water - cats usually reject soaked "drying".

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keep a cat

If the animal refuses to re-offered food, pay attention to its condition. Refusal to eat is one of the signals of discomfort. Is the cat hiding, not drinking, not going to the toilet, taking unnatural postures? Perhaps he was ill. In this case, do not delay your visit to the veterinarian. Feline ailments are often asymptomatic, but cannot be ignored - it's so easy to miss a serious illness or injury.
