Cats are amazing animals. They are soft and silky to the touch, but also have razor-sharp claws and hard teeth designed for hunting. They have keen hearing and night vision, and they purr so touchingly with pleasure! Does a person know everything about a cat? Not all, for example: why do these animals sleep so much?

Fluffy pets spend about two-thirds of their lives in a dream and this is due to their biological characteristics. Indeed, by its nature, a cat is a small predator, perhaps it is slightly inferior to a lion and a tiger in size, but this does not mean that they are very different in character and habits. Surely you have seen a picture in programs about animals when a lion's pride or several tigers bask in the sun after a hearty dinner. They also need rest after hunting, and it takes some time to recuperate.

The length of the sleep time cats often lose all interest in others and go to the side - to digest their lunch. A hungry cat, on the other hand, can suddenly wake up and go to the owner with insistent demands for attention.

So why are they spending so much time sleeping? It's very simple, being a small animal, a cat spends a huge amount of energy on playing or hunting. Like all felines, after a successful jump or race, the cat needs some time to recuperate. And it's impossible to do it better than in a dream. So they accumulate energy in order to wake up with renewed vigor and start jumping joyfully again, sweeping away everything around.

And it happens the other way around. During periods of sexual arousal or under the influence of any other hormones, cats begin to stay awake much more, delighting their owners and neighbors with their perky screams or sounds of moving furniture. In adolescence, when kittens are just growing up, this is completely normal, but if you notice that your old cat suddenly began to sleep less, this is a reason to contact your veterinarian. The fact is that with age, animals may experience changes in the function of the thyroid and adrenal glands, which causes disturbances in sleep and wakefulness.

By the way, some peoples have a belief that a cat performs most of its sacred functions to protect the house from evil spirits and magical actions in a dream. That is why it is considered not only impolite to wake up a sleeping cat, but also dangerous. Who knows, maybe it is at this moment that your murka is fighting an evil spirit.