How To Keep Your Budgie Safe From Dangers In Your Apartment

How To Keep Your Budgie Safe From Dangers In Your Apartment
How To Keep Your Budgie Safe From Dangers In Your Apartment

If you decide to have a budgerigar in your apartment, think about whether there will be time to deal with it. Released from the cage, it will fly around all rooms, it can fall into a pot of boiling water or into the mouth of a domestic cat.

How to keep your budgie safe from dangers in your apartment
How to keep your budgie safe from dangers in your apartment

If budgerigars fly freely around the apartment, many dangers lie in wait for them: a hot stove in the kitchen, water in dishes, an open aquarium, poisonous indoor plants, an open window or door, a cat, a dog. These factors can explain the high death rate of tame budgerigars. The loss of a friend is a big trauma, because you are very attached to any living creature, and if the pet has become trusting and affectionate - especially. This does not mean that the bird has to sit in the cage all the time. Therefore, it is recommended to let the bird fly when the house is quiet, calm and you have free time to pay attention to the parrot.


Proper care and caring is essential to ensure that your pets live well and have a long life in captivity. Therefore, before you start a feathered friend, you need to learn in detail how to care for him. You should not, for example, put a cage with a bird in the corridor or on an open cold balcony. After all, birds get sick and die from drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations. Too damp air, sudden noise, sudden switching on and off of bright light, sudden movements of people are harmful to them. Do not place the cage in the kitchen or next to household appliances.
