How To Keep A Dachshund

How To Keep A Dachshund
How To Keep A Dachshund

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To keep a dachshund, it is important to know about the features of its character and habits. This is a rather unusual breed of dog. The maintenance of dachshunds in an urban environment requires compliance with certain rules and regulations.

How to keep a dachshund
How to keep a dachshund


Step 1

Do not forget that hunting skills make the dachshund a special dog and will require you to respect its dignity in everything. This is a fairly well-known German burrowing dog breed. Since the 16th century, it has made a lasting impression on the hunt. The famous German zoologist A. E. Brehm noted that they are intelligent, intelligent, cheerful and very vigilant, they will not allow themselves to be lured away by a stranger. In addition, dachshunds are considered excellent companions. Nowadays, they are often started in cities.

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how to feed a dachshund puppy

Step 2

Be sure to keep in mind that a balanced and calm, but at the same time energetic and cheerful dachshund brings joy to both single people and a large family. She usually prefers one owner, while affectionately attached to all other family members. She perfectly guards the house, the owner, his things, owning a rolling and loud "voice". Possessing excellent sense and hearing, the dachshund is not distracted by unnecessary noises in the way that some breeds of Spitz and Terriers do.

how to raise a dachshund
how to raise a dachshund

Step 3

Explain to the children and remember for yourself that the dachshund is very cute and funny, but she will never tolerate neglect and rude treatment. She will begin to show stubbornness and disobedience, she can act in spite, asserting her dignity. Remember that the maintenance of your dachshund should be based on love, mutual respect and trust. Don't use harsh measures. With poor contact with the owner, she is vindictive, proud and touchy.

to train dachshund puppies to the toilet
to train dachshund puppies to the toilet

Step 4

The dachshund is easy to keep in the apartment: it is small and very clean. Its coat is not difficult to look after. For long-haired and wire-haired varieties, get a special brush, and brush smooth-haired dachshunds with a mitten.

how to teach a dachshund to go to the toilet
how to teach a dachshund to go to the toilet

Step 5

Be sure to keep your pet from overeating and moving more. Don't let your dachshund jump too high. This can damage her spine and lead to displacement of the intervertebral discs.

how to toilet train a dachshund
how to toilet train a dachshund

Step 6

Interestingly, no dog shows as much ingenuity and independence as the dachshund. If you see a companion in a dog, then be sure to appreciate its pronounced personality, courageous heart and intelligence. The dachshund is hardy and viable, rarely gets sick, has a stable nervous system, which is typical of breeds with a strong constitution. She is a tireless companion, withstands heavy physical exertion, despite her short legs and small size. Many dachshunds swim and hunt well in the water.

Step 7

Walk your dog more. Dachshunds love to frolic in the fresh air, practicing their hunting instinct. While walking, do not forget that they are also zealous on guard duty, protecting their master. They can recklessly rush at dogs that are superior in size and strength. It is important to know that the whole dog tribe respects the dachshund for a serious and courageous character. The decisiveness and firmness of her intentions leaves not the slightest doubt even in the largest breeds.

Step 8

When training a dachshund, be patient and persistent. There is an opinion that dachshunds are stubborn and disobedient. This is easily explained by her hunting skills. Indeed, on the hunt, fighting with the beast in the hole, which sometimes exceeds her in size, she often uses her resourcefulness and resourcefulness than physical strength. Imagine that this small creature must make decisions on its own, not relying on the instructions of the owner. Therefore, the manifestations of some cunning of the dachshund in everyday life are surprising, but they are completely justified. She will not rush to fulfill your command if she is not sure of its complete necessity. But you will find unquestioning obedience when she and your opinion coincide.

Step 9

Give your dachshund some freedom in the house. Here she feels like a mistress and always knows who, where is and what she is doing. As a rule, she chooses warm and cozy corners for herself, loves to sleep wrapped in a blanket. This dog loves comfort and warmth. Trusting his master, he likes to sit on his hands or knees.
