Chilean Degu Squirrel: Care, Maintenance At Home

Chilean Degu Squirrel: Care, Maintenance At Home
Chilean Degu Squirrel: Care, Maintenance At Home

The degu squirrel is an unusual animal that resembles a large rat or jerboa. Due to its funny appearance and friendly nature, this animal is often chosen as a pet. Keeping a degus at home is easy. For a comfortable life, the Chilean squirrel needs a reliable shelter, a spacious aviary and a proper feeding regimen.

Chilean degu squirrel: care, maintenance at home
Chilean degu squirrel: care, maintenance at home

Degu squirrel: features of the content

The Chilean squirrel is a very interesting animal belonging to the eight-toothed family. The animal is small, rounded body does not exceed 22 cm in length. The tail is the decoration: long, thin, topped with a coquettish tassel. The degu's muzzle is slightly elongated, the eyes are small, but very lively. The animal cannot boast of sharp eyesight, but it has excellent hearing and smell.

The coat of the degus is dense, reddish-gray or sandy, the belly is slightly lighter. The weight of an adult animal is 200-300 g. With good care, Chilean squirrels live in captivity for 8-12 years. Pets feel better in the company of their fellow tribesmen, so experienced breeders recommend purchasing several animals at once. Degu are non-aggressive, friendly, their games are interesting to watch not only for children, but also for adults.

Pets are active during the day, and prefer to rest at night. It is important to provide them with a cozy refuge, where shy animals can take refuge. Degu drink little and defecate less often than other domestic rodents. This greatly facilitates maintenance.

Degu needs a spacious aviary, in a cramped cage a mobile animal will be uncomfortable. The room is equipped with a feeder, a drinker, a running wheel, a mink house, shelves and ladders. A stone for the point of the teeth must be placed in the aviary. You will need an absorbent bedding with sawdust and a sand bath to clean the wool. The aviary is placed in a bright and warm place, protected from drafts and direct sunlight.

You can only release the animal from the enclosure for a short time. A pet left unattended gnaws at everything it sees: furniture, wires, shoes. Many houseplants and pets are dangerous for the Chilean squirrel.

How to feed a Chilean squirrel

In the wild, degus feed on bark, tree roots, and a variety of seeds and grasses. At home, the basis of a pet's diet can be prepared dry mixes that are sold in pet stores. You can make your own delicious Chilean protein mix. It will include oatmeal, a variety of grains, dried peas. Grain mixes will be supplemented with hay, it should always be in the trough.

An obligatory part of the diet is fresh grass and leaves of apple, cherry, linden. An adult Chilean protein should eat about 50 g of greens per day. Fresh vegetables and fruits will be a delicacy: cauliflower, carrots, radishes, apples, pears. Degu are very fond of sunflower and pumpkin seeds, but you should not give them in large quantities, otherwise the pet is threatened with obesity. Rosehip and mountain ash berries, chamomile and dandelion flowers, various nuts are useful. It is impossible to pamper the animal with dairy products, sweets, bread and other dishes from the owner's table - improper nutrition can provoke diabetes.

You need to feed the degus often - 4-5 times a day, in small portions. Uneaten vegetables and fruits are removed on time, replaced with fresh ones. The drinker should always have fresh water, preferably filtered or bottled.
