How To Feed A Flying Squirrel At Home

How To Feed A Flying Squirrel At Home
How To Feed A Flying Squirrel At Home

They say that exotic animals are very difficult to care for. In most cases, this is the case. With a flying squirrel, everything is much easier. This animal does not require too much care, the main thing is to feed it correctly.

How to feed a flying squirrel at home
How to feed a flying squirrel at home

What kind of animal flying squirrels

feed the squirrel
feed the squirrel

Flying squirrels (possums) are close to the squirrel family. They live in the tropics of Asia and in the temperate forest zone of the Northern Hemisphere. One type of such possums also lives on the territory of the Russian Federation.

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buy squirrel

These animals are similar to ordinary squirrels, but they are distinguished by a less bushy tail, the absence of tassels on the ears, and larger eyes. Flying squirrels are nocturnal and crepuscular. Between the limbs and on the sides of the possums there is a leathery membrane necessary for the animal to glide between trees. Another difference between flying squirrels and ordinary squirrels is that they move much faster in trees than on the ground.

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With the help of their tenacious claws, flying squirrels jump along very thin branches, and can even hang upside down. Possum nests resemble a ball, they are built in the hollows of trees.

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buy a tamed squirrel

Flying squirrels can live in captivity for about 15 years, but they need good care. During the day, it is better not to bother them too much, otherwise they can bite the owner painfully.

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It is not so easy to acquire such an exotic animal. It is unlikely that you can buy it at a regular pet store. Usually, the catch of flying squirrels is ordered by experienced hunters.

How to feed a flying squirrel

The bulk of the diet of flying squirrels should come from the gifts of nature. Your pet will not refuse to gnaw young shoots and buds of trees or shrubs, eat tree bark, unopened cones, etc.

Be sure to feed your flying squirrel with fresh vegetables and fruits. To compensate for the calcium deficiency in the animal's body, add crushed eggshells or chalk to its food. Don't neglect dairy products.

Remember that flying squirrels are predatory animals, so give your pet worms. Due to the addiction to sweets, some peoples call the flying squirrel "sugar". Spoil your possum with special little candies, candied fruits and baby food.

Some flying squirrels cry at night like little children. So, if at this moment you give the animal candy, he will calm down and love you even more.

Breeding flying squirrels

In captivity, ossums rarely breed. But with good care, this also happens. If you have a pair of flying squirrels, the female may become pregnant once a year.

It should be remembered that during pregnancy and lactation, foods with a high fat content must be added to the female's diet. In addition to normal food, protein will need cottage cheese, sunflower seeds and milk porridge.
