If you decide to purchase a Dzungarian hamster, then you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules for keeping these fluffy rodents, because how correct the care of the animal is, its mood and well-being largely depends.

What Beginner Breeders Should Know
Dzhugnarik hamsters should be kept in pairs, and it is desirable that the rodents are familiar from a very early age. Adult animals may just not like each other. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a pair of Dzungarian hamsters at once, then gradually accustom adult rodents to each other. To do this, you can settle them in neighboring cells and regularly send them to each other "on a date". You can also place a partition in the cage, dividing the animals among themselves. So the animals will gradually get used to the smell of each other and stop conflicting.
If you do not plan to breed Dzungarian hamsters, then you can purchase one pet, but keep in mind that the animal feels much worse alone.
How to feed the animals
Dzungarian hamsters should be fed with pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, peas and beans. It is better to purchase special food in which the composition is balanced and the components are carefully selected. One hamster should be given 5 to 7 g of food per day. In professional feed, the protein content can be up to 24 percent, and the carbohydrate content - up to 60. The fat in such feed is usually no more than 5 percent.
In a cage, hamsters should always have clean water and fresh twigs on which rodents can sharpen their teeth.
If you are giving your pets fresh fruits and vegetables, systematically check the cages for spoiled foods. The fact is that Dzungarian hamsters love to make supplies, and spoiled vegetables and fruits can lead to rodent poisoning.
How to set up a home for a hamster
A cage for a Dzungarian hamster should be spacious enough, despite the diminutive size of this rodent. If your cage is not big enough, then be sure to equip it with a spinning wheel in which your pet will happily run. If the hamster is not provided with conditions for vigorous activity, the rodent may develop physical inactivity, which, as a result, will lead to obesity.
When choosing a cage, pay special attention to the material from which it is made. The fact is that Dzungarian hamsters try to gnaw literally everything that comes their way, and if the cage is made of fragile material, the animal will quickly leave its habitat, going for a walk around your apartment. It is very good if the bars of the cage are located horizontally. Dzungarian hamsters are very fond of going down and up the twigs, and this design will provide your pet with additional physical activity.
Be sure to install a rodent house in the cage. Dzungariki are nocturnal, and in the house the animal will hide from the sunlight, feeling safe.