Gerbils are popular pets. This is not surprising, because these rodents do not require regular walking, they are unpretentious, do not have an unpleasant odor and are able to remain in the cage throughout the day. When choosing your pets, make sure your gerbils are of the same sex unless you plan to breed them and do not want them to fill your home in a few months.

Step 1
The difference between sexually mature male and female Mongolian gerbils is fairly obvious. Puberty in rodents ends at the age of six months. If you look between the legs of an adult male gerbil, you will see large testes, by which you will be able to distinguish it. If the rodent is still young, you can apply some pressure on its belly to see the difference.

Step 2
It is much more difficult to determine sex in small gerbils. Gently grab the rodent and turn it over with its belly up. In this case, it will be better if you hold his head with one hand, and hold his ass with the other hand. Examine the animal's abdomen carefully. Females should have distinct nipples. If the gerbils have already begun to grow fur, blow on the belly of the rodent and the nipples will become visible.

Step 3
Flip your gerbil and look between its legs. In female animals, the genital and anus are located next to each other. The distance between them is literally a couple of millimeters. In male gerbils, the genital organ is located much further.

Step 4
After the onset of puberty, males from females can also be distinguished by behavior. Most often, male gerbils are more friendly, while females are nimble and active.

Step 5
If you cannot cope with determining the sex of your animals on your own, contact the forum of rodent lovers, where they will be happy to help you. Take a photo of the animal's crotch and people who have encountered these rodents will be able to tell you what gender your gerbils are.