If you are dreaming of getting some exotic animal, but you are not yet ripe for a chinchilla or a Madagascar cockroach, opt for the American red-eared turtle.

Red-eared turtles are cute and responsive reptiles known for their affection for humans. In nature, they live mainly in the southeastern states of the United States, but, being unpretentious in food, they were able to settle far beyond their natural range.
Turtles are long-livers: under favorable conditions they can live for about 30-40 years. Moreover, if we compare them with other reptiles, they have high intelligence and keen eyesight. In their search for food, these turtles first pay attention to the color of the object, and only then to the smell and taste.
Turtles do not have ears, but they can hear almost as well as cats. They can mate all year round, but more often from February to May. Their mating games are interesting: in the process of courtship, the male swims in front of the female, stretching out its front paws and, as if stroking, touches her muzzle with its claws.
Red-eared turtles are very agile, agile and fast. They need food of animal origin, although their need for plant foods increases with age. They can be given meat, fish, crustaceans, fruits and vegetables. In summer, they can be fed to grasshoppers and beetles.
To keep a red-eared turtle at home, you need to purchase an aquaterrarium with a volume of 100-150 liters, filled with 20-30 cm of water. Be sure to install incandescent and UV lamps at a distance of about half a meter above the animal. This is necessary for heating and disease prevention. The water should be clean and warm. Throughout their life, turtles grow from 3 to 28 cm in diameter. You need to change the water at least 1-2 times a week.